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The trip is only a few days and I am back home by the weekend. Thank god the storm was more bark then bite and there was not a lot of need for me or my team. I decide to surpise them all with take out and my presense lol. I open the door quietly and walk into the kitchen where Shan and Macy are hovering over a cook book. I put my hands on Shan's hips and lean into her back taking a deep breath smelling her cologne. I'm home. Macy jumps up and hugs me quickly then runs to get Liza I'm guessing. Shan turns around and puts her arms around me and I melt into her, all the stress from the last few days melts away.

We get a good solid sixty seconds before I hear "Get a room" and Shan and I just laugh. We dont hide who we are around the girls. No we dont do anything icky in front of them but we do hug and kiss and Liza likes to razz us about it. I lift my arm for a hug from her and I swear Bee has grown a lot at least its mommas belly has. 

Dinner is a hit and then we talk about halloween. Macy wants to hand out candy and Liza wants to dress up and go with Rowdy and her group trick or treating. She says its her last year to be a kid before she has a kid. Shan and I rock paper scissors shoot to decide who stays home and who goes sugar up children we dont have to deal with after lol. She wins and chooses to go out with the kids and I am all too cool with that. I love handing out candy and Macy plans to make some treats for the adults along with some hand made cookies. She is really working hard on decorating cookies and cakes and making chocolate and candy. The newest thing she has made is called a hurricane bar and its devine. 

We all go to pick out our costumes and its so much fun. We try on a lot of them and its hard to decide on just one. After a few hours and lots of back and forth and debates we are set. Shan goes as a hippy which fits her so well with her rainbow braids she got freshly done while I was gone. I decide that I want to be a roller derby chick, a little known thing about me is I can roller skate well and I have always wanted to do roller derby but I always seem to be too busy or something but I don't have an excuse now.

Now the girls costumes are the bomb. Macy has chosen to be a butterfly but could not find the wings she wanted. We left with out them but looked on the computer when we got home and we found some from amazon. They are beautiful and something she can keep. Blue and purple with led lights. I cant wait to see them. We also found some light up dragon wings for me. Who says I cant wear them? They are beyond cool and her and I have some cool ideas for masks. 

Liza wanted to hide her bump. She has made it very clear that although her Bee is not a mistake but she wishes she had done things different. So she wants to hide her belly because she doesn't want people to comment or point. She is not proud she is pregnant at such a young age so she found a rennaissance costume that hides what she wants to hide. Its really cute and kinda sassy with the hat. 

Halloween night goes off with out a hitch as does thanksgiving. At this point if Liza goes into labor bee would be safe and sound. She has gotten more and more quiet the further along she gets and it has us concerned. She has started to refer to bee as theres not hers and Shan and I think she is going to decide to go the adoption route and we support that. We support her decision no matter what but not knowing leaves us in limbo when it comes to the nursery and buying what is needed. 

We already have added two rooms and two bathrooms. A nursery and an extra room and then a bathroom that is off the two rooms and a bathroom for Macy. We asked if she liked her room and she said yes but wished for a bathroom and being as she does not ask for much we did it. 

Shan and I just didint know what to do when it comes to baby supplies so bought what we think was needed and have it at the club house in storage. 

On December 15th at around three am Liza wakes us up saying she thinks her water broke and she is panicking and holding her belly. I make calls while Shan gets the bag and lets Macy know that Rowdy is on her way to stay with her. She hugs her sister and they both start crying. The emotion is real and I almost lost it with them but I gotta stay strong. Later is for tears.

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