Peaches and eye bags.

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Driving way from not only Shannon but her crew is harder then I imagined. I have loved feeling like I am a part of something bigger. Being on the road is lonely most of the time. Its random strangers passing in the night. Yes I have people that I know but would I call them friends? That's debatable. I don't make friends easily but this last week or so has made me feel like I have them. More then just one . Rowdy is funny and a flirt but I know she totally in love with her wife Chip who is just as much a flirt as Rowdy is. There was not one person who made me feel like an outsider. We were all working hard to help those who needed it. Many hands and hearts but one goal.

The people who came to pick up things they needed were kind and the kids are resilient. I have more then one piece of artwork on my mini fridge now. Those kids have no clue how there hugs healed. Last night we had a bomb fire and we all roasted marshmallows and had smores. Shannon and I danced in the shadows of the flames. There were couples all around who joined in. The teen agers rolled there eyes at there parents and the parents just laughed. Last night I was given the gift of a leather vest by the the members of Heavens Misfits. I am more then honored by it. It has there patch on it along with a special one that i am told means friend of and protected by. I accept with a smile and tears. 

I drive away and as soon as I can I pull over and let my emotions take over. Its okay to cry and its okay to miss people and its even okay to miss someone who I cant tall mine but wish on a star that's not there that I could. I reach down to grab a tissue but encounter the tissue wrapped parcel Shannon gave me. I smile at the wrapping paper. It says happy birthday all over but its not my birthday but the fact she found some is sweet. The paper it taped and in order to not rip it I use my pocket knife to slit it open. 

The note is on top and it reads "Tally, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help and kindness you have shown the people I work side by side with. For finding needs and filling them with out being asked. Thank you for giving me a chance and for allowing me to snuggle you and show you the affection I wish you knew you deserved on a daily basis. I want to offer you this as a show of the commitment I would like to make to you. As my friend for now and as more when you are ready. By the way this is a key card to the gate of the club house along with the code to it. They put this vote last night after we went to bed and I woke up to the surprise this morning. My club loves you as much as I do."

The card is small and has a post it taped to it with a six digits written on it. I put it on my key ring and send Shannon a quick text thanking her for making me feel at home. She responds with the kissy face emoji.

I am heading just north of the Florida border in to Georgia to pick up a load of peaches I know cliché right? Well someone has to pick em up and take them to the factory that is going to turn them into jam and jelly and who knows what else. When I arrive I am greeted by the most amazing smell. It sweet and fresh and am offered a peach or two to try. They are to die for. Perfectly ripe and not too soft. I buy some from the little gift shop. Alabama here I come. Its a short few hour trip but one that makes it so I don't have to dead head towards my next long haul. 

The hospitality at the places I visit never fails to amaze me. I get to try some orgasmic peach preserves. They even make a low sugar variety and I am offered a few different flavors out of there reject bin. Nothing wrong with them just folded labels and that kind of thing. I pick out a few not wanting to take more then my share but am told to take more and I do. I know a few people who would love the rejects. 

My first night with out Shannon is not one that I enjoyed at all. It was lonely. Quiet. I end up waking up before my alarm and decide that I have nothing better to do then go shopping before I can pick up my next load. Walmart is my go to because they are open all hours of the night and have just about everything I need. I splurge on a fit bit type watch. I want to set goals and stick to them. I want to do this for me. I want to feel worthy of love. 

My next load is taking me to Washington state then who knows where. I text Shannon and send her a picture of my new watch and the sun rising. She texts back that I should be sleeping. She is right but I got the amount I am legally obligated too and it was a waste of time to toss and turn. She video calls me and we talk while I eat my protein bar and piece of fruit then fill in my last few bit of log book. She tells me that she found out the shop that is owned by the Mc is a total loss and that all of her sketchbooks were a loss but she was lucky her tattoo equipment was saved because it was in a waterproof bin. I can tell it saddens herm I could not imagine loosing so many pieces of myself. So I make her smile and ask her to design one for me. Something brightly colored but the rest is up to her. 

She asked me who was going to put needle to skin and I told her she is. She tells me she does not know if she could hurt me like that. Nah its a good pain I am told. We talk till its time for me pick up my load and off I go. I tell her I will text her when I stop for dinner and she blows me kisses. Damn that woman. I can see the shadows under eyes that match mine. Neither of us are getting good sleep apparently. 

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