Old feelings New us

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Inviting her to my space feels different then going to hers. My bed is a queen double height air mattress, my blankets came from my bed same as my pillows.  My tent is further away from the action. It's tucked in the trees. I show her my collection of movies and we settle on a few from The Fast and Furious collection.

I even change in front of her. She asks about my scar and I don't hide the fact that after having lost the hundred pounds I got a tummy tuck and had my breasts fixed. I am not ashamed. It was considered medically necessary because of back problems and issues with bacteria under my belly. She told me I made a good choice because my body is rocking. I think its alright. I don't like the stretch marks, I don't like the scars or my hips but I am a work in progress. 

It's easy to see that the physical attraction is there for both of us. I would love nothing more then to ask her to make love to me again but I know absence makes the heart grow fonder. We stay up late talking about where we're at in life and even if we were to make a go of it how it would work.

There is nothing saying I can't set up my office in Florida but I love where I am at. I also know Shannon is set now where she is. She has her own studio where she works day and night on her art work and tattoos. She has started some new stuff that she can't wait to show me. Her eyes light up when she talks about it the same way I light up doing my job.

To me this is a speed bump that I don't see a way over. Time will tell I suppose.

The last few days we have together goes by so fast. We make a plan for me to come to Florida for the Halloween ball and to get my new ink. I hug her tightly and kiss her cheek. She kisses my forehead and hands me a small box. She asks me not to open it till I am home.

I put it in my saddlebag and off I go. We head in opposite directions and I swear my heart is being ripped out. I say my mantra to myself over and over again. Just because it's right doesn't mean it's easy.

Home never looked so good but somehow it doesn't feel like home the same way it did when I left. As I unpack my stuff I find the box. I take myself to my room and sit on my bed. The box itself is plain white and about the size of a deck of cards but thicker and made of wood, possibly hand carved  The top snaps open and the inside is revealed. It's painted in various colors and I spot a rose, a tire, a rain drop and so many other little things. Some made of wood, glass, paper and other random mediums. Each one has meaning to Shannon and I. There is a piece of pink tissue paper that is wrapped around a small carved sunflower necklace. Under it is a small note." Tally, your my sunshine. No matter what happens you will always hold a piece of my heart and when you are ready I will offer you the whole thing, love Shannon"

I run my fingers over the box and it's contents. The tears are real and large and I let them fall. Emotions are meant to be felt. I send her a quick text thanking her for the lovely gift.   She sends me back a thumbs up which means she is in the middle of something. Some would take that as the fuck you button but not me. 

Not seeing her for two and a half months sucks but we talk every day and try to have date night once a week. It's usually just us watching the same movie together and eating snacks. We send notes threw the mail and I even sent her a birthday cake when it wasn't her birthday lol. 

She even picks me up at the airport when I fly in for the ball. This time though I don't have a costume so I let Shannon pick one for me. I am blindfolded while she helps me get dressed and I swear I feel fur. It's got me concerned but I go with it. Once I get to see what I am dressed as I go nuts. She has me in a cat costume with light up ears and tail.

I love it. The top is black with some lace cutouts, it's attached to the skirt the goes to me knees and is fluffy. I have on white stockings with little black paw prints on them with a pair of Mary Jane type shoes.

It's sexy but also modest. Shannon on the other hand went the opposite direction. She went as sasquatch. It's hilarious because she put in a flap to moon people with. Not her actual tush but a plastic one. She also added a bow  in her hair. I could not stop laughing. It was just so funny. 

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