The best is yet to come

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Rebuilding takes time and we have all the time in the world. When the blue prints are made to restore  the complex that is home to Heavens Misfits Florida  Chapter its done around a large oval table. Each member gets a vote and all votes are equal. Being as I am now an official member of the Florida crew that means I get to sit in on it. My title transfers from Nevada to here just like that, sign a paper to leave the Nevada chapter, hand over my patch and rocker, sign a new agreement and hand sew on the new hardware. It was not an easy decision to abandon the family and friends I have made but they understood that my heart has always been with a certain braided artist. 

The new complex is going to be better then ever. Its going to work for what the club is about. Its about family and friends and helping others. Its about being part of something bigger then each individual person. I love the new pool and grill area, the big windows that have shutters that come down at a click of a button. I love how this new set of buildings is rated to withstand a category four hurricane. . The original club house was cool but the new version is more family friendly. 

Clean up takes a few months and rebuilding takes a whole lot longer. We put ourselves behind family's and those that we deem need it more. We are okay where we are. The trailers are not really that bad and most days we eat as a group. We take turns doing chores around the place. 

Shannon had her second surgery and is now just as good as she mostly. She has some knarly scars and a limp. She has yet to get on her bike but it will come in time I suppose. She is back to doing her art on a small scale gathering random items to reclaim part of what was lost. The thing she misses most is doing tattoos and that's something that is being worked on. 

At least as far as paying clients go. For now she gets to ply her craft on me. We are working on a full sleeve. I say we because she is putting needle and ink to skin and I am dealing with the pain. The design is free handed on with a skin marker with lots of touches to fit my arm. I love the bright colors and swirls. It's a work of love and something I will cherish for the rest of my days.

Six months to the day after hurricane Hatter made landfall everyone not busy attends a memorial for those lost to the storm. The buddy that Shannon was out with being one of them. They found the boat and him under it. Shannon struggles with his death and the day of the memorial she is not with it. She blames herself for not helping him but from the pieces gathered she could not have done anything.

His mom makes her way to Shannon and hugs her and they both cry. Shannon spills her feelings and his mom shushes her telling her things I did not hear and don't need to. What ever is said is between Mrs. Martinez, Shannon and God. It must have been powerful because Shannon walked away with a sparkle in her eyes. Something I have not seen in a long time.

The bell rung fifteen times that day for those lost in our area alone. Afterwards the club went on it's first ride sense the storm. We stopped at camp misfits and ate a picnic lunch, that's where Shannon and I split off. 

She places some flowers on the side of the road close to where Patches lost his life. She tells me she had to say goodbye and laters to him. She traced her steps from tree to tree and then to the porch where she was found. We wrote a note and a thank you to the family that once lived there and left it on the door wrapped in plastic along with our numbers and a promise to host them for a bbq if they ever return.

While she was doing that I hung out with Rowdy and Chip talking shit and discussing what's next. They keep hinting at a wedding and such but I just shrug. Who knows what's to come but I hope what ever it is its amazing. 

The ride back was calming and chill. We took our time and just enjoyed seeing the new buildings and restaurants. It's slowly coming back to life and I can't wait to see it all.

When we get home Shannon and I head out to the spot we chose for our home. It's not on the same land as the club but across the road from it. We were able to make an offer on ten acres and it was accepted. It's a lot of swamp but still good enough for us. We lay out the house with string and stakes and adjust things on my computer as we go. The plans need to be finalized in the next few days in order to break ground in a month.

The only hang up is three or four bedrooms. We are not sure if we want kids but want to have room if we decide to. We are also having a studio built for her to work out of. Some place quiet and hers alone. She gets hers and I get mine? What do I want? Its hard because I don't need anything more then an office so I ask for our room to have its own deck. Just a place to look out over the back of the house. A place to get away from the hectic life we live. 

The day has come and gone to break ground not only on our house but others as well. The sound of heavy machinery can be heard from eight in the morning to six or seven at night. I have even learned how to run a few pieces. Not well and I'm not effective at it but I feel like I understand it. 

When I am not working I am in the thick of things. I ask questions and am a general pain in the ass but I want to understand it. I want to know why things are the way they are. I am all too happy when I am put to work. I am showed how to paint and I make it my business to do my best. The colors we chose are warm and cozy. The woods are hard and stained. The kitchen is beginning to take shape. The cabinets have clear glass panes in them, the countertops were made by Shannon. She collected a pile of glass from the old club house and random pieces when we were out and used it to make them. They are done in a gradient of shades sort of a hombre of sorts. She did a great job on them as well as the custom the butcher block. We want put heart and soul to be in this building that's will be our home for as long as it stands.

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