Chapter 1- Rain Drops and Lightening bolts

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I can barely see threw the rain pelting my windshield. It went from zero to five million in a matter of ten minutes and even though I am deadheading its still a whole lot of truck. Making a promise to myself that at the next underpass I am gong pull over is the best idea I could have made but it seems I am not the only one with that idea but there is room for two I suppose. 

I pull just enough of my truck under so my windshield is not being splattered. Grabbing my yellow rain coat I open my door and jump down.  Splashing my jeans as i did so but this rain is no match for my waterproof timberlands. Great now i am really am wet. I walk towards the stranger sitting on there bike and hold out my extra slicker. I wish i felt comfortable to offer em safe haven in my truck but i don't. They reach out and take it. A smile forming on there lips. Its impossible to talk because the wind is whipping but hand gestures work.

They take off there helmet and that's when I realize he is a she and she has the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. I swear there purple and I am startled for a moment. I have never seen eyes this color not even close to it in all honestly. She shakes her head in laughter. I cant hear it but i can see the pure happiness on her face. I go to turn away to walk back to my truck but feel my arm being pulled. I pull back my fist and almost let it fly but she backs up with her hands up in a defensive position. 

How in the hell do I say sorry in sign language? I stand there for a moment trying to figure it out but I say to hell with it. I motion for her to fallow me to my truck. If she is going to kill me let it be quick. She grabs her helmet and fallow behind me. I unlock the passenger door with my keys then climb in the drivers seat. I am soaked and so is she. I don't see a bag on the back of her bike so i ruffle threw my clothes for a t shirt. I am bigger then her and doubt she wants to swim in my clothes but dry clothes are better than the wet mess she is wearing.

I offer my hand and tell her my name and she takes it, pulls it to her lips and kisses my knuckles. She tells me her name is Shannon and she's grateful for my generosity. I smile back and hand her the shirt. She gives me a wink and i sit down so she can go to the bunk area and get dry but that's not what she has in mind. She puts her long braids up in a bun and before I know it she takes off her leather jacket, hangs it on the back of the seat and then pulls her white tank over her head. Her gaze never leaves mine as she slips into my shirt.

"Thanks Tally, I was caught in it, never even knew it was coming. Till it was ontop of me." She said to me.

"Your welcome. So umm are you hungry? Thirsty? By what the weather app says its going to last till tomorrow morning and from where I sit we are on a hill so I doubt we are going to flood. Mise as well get comfortable" I am nurvouse as hell. She is damn. Yeah I could get into someome like her but lets face it she would never be into someone like me. Someone that looks like me. 

She nods and I turn on the engine. I make us grilled cheese sandwiches and mugs of coffee. She accepts it and is silent as we eat. I even bring out the rest of my hidden stash of candy from under my bunk. 

"So umm tell me something about yourself Shannon.

"So i well I once took line dancing classes" She admits to me looking away for the first time her cheeks slightly red

"I can see where that is not what most would think of when they see you. So my secret is that I fantasize about woman." I cant believe i just admitted that to her. She is sure to jump out the rig now thinking i am going to make a pass at her. 

"Ohh really, what exactly do you fantasize about?" Shannon asks me. I shake my head. I am not telling that stuff. She chuckles and winks at me and my face turns fifty shades of pink and flaming reds. I turn around and grab my log books and start to work on them making sure I have them up to date and correct. Its something i pride myself in. Bing efficient and beyond par.

While I am working on my books Shannon asks if i have paper and pen. I hand her a tote bag and go back to doing what needs to be done. I am not behind but double checking stuff is what i do. I also fill out insurance paperwork and what ever else I haven't gotten to in the last week. We are startled by a knock on the door. I look out and see a Mississippi state trooper standing there in the pouring rain. I grab my slicker and head towards Shannons bike with her not far behind. We explain what is going on often having to yell. He writes down a message telling us its been upgraded to a catagory one hurricane. 

We talk quick about going towards the next town twenty five miles away but it makes no sense. We cant get off. There flooded. So we make the decision to stay put. I have full tanks and plenty of food. He goes back to his cruiser and returns with a case of water and some gatorade. He also tells us he will be patrolling threw out the next twenty four hours and if we need help to hang a piece of fabric out of the drivers side window. I nod and we shake hands with him and climb back into the truck. 

Boredom takes over. We play cards, color and watch a movie or two. By ten we are both tired and try to sleep but lets face it I only have one bunk and I'm not tiny.  I told her i would sleep on the floor but she would not allow that. So we put my mattress on the floor along with a blanket and fell asleep back to back. Thats not how I woke up. Not at all. She had her arm around my middle and was wrapped around me like taffy. She also snored. I fell back asleep and only woke when she started stretching. She helped me make the bed and then insisted on making us coffee and eggs. 

When the knock came this time we were expecting it. Officer Campbell informed us that we were supposed to be out of the storm by tomorrow morning and were safe to travel by noon the next day if we wanted. We agreed to stay put and he agreed to bring us some warm dinner. I was kind of excited but had a more pressing matter. I had to pee and I knew I could not hold it anymore. I was doing the dance and all and Shannon just laughed and then made it clear she was in the same predicament. Nature called and i can be honest I have never used the restroom on the side of highway but i did that day. I am not even bashful about it now but I will be honest I think the rain washed me better then the toilet paper. It was a soggy mess by the time I got it to where it needed to go. 

------------------------------------------Note from the author----------------------------------------------------

Hi Reader, thank you for giving this book a chance. I would like to share random thoughts when I am writing the chapters. The lyrics that keep going threw my head when I typed this was "Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens" from the song sung by Julie Andrews. 

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