Takes a village.

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I found Rowdy and asked if she had a moment to speak to me. She laughed and told me if it got her away from the chaos she would fallow my beautiful ass to the moon. I was a little stunned and it must have shown because she informed me she was "Just a lesbian and never took advantage of woman. I like em to beg before I please". Holy shit. Umm wow. Just wow. I had nothing to say but i know my ears were red as was the rest of my face. I took her to the truck and had her look threw the passenger side window. 

"what did you do rob the place?" she asked me. I shook my head and explained the gift from the manager. Rowdy grabbed her walking talkie and started barking orders. I see at least ten people start running across the field. They stand in front of her and she tells them to listen to me. To do exactly what I say. Umm nooo. I don't order people around. Especially people I don't know. She makes them introduce themselves. I shake hands with "Bigmac" who is not big but four foot seven at best, "Brownie" who was blonde and built like a amazon, "Chuckles" who i get, he has a adorable smile and friendly eyes. There was also Cannon, Dog, Zen, Bob, Sara, and a set of twins called Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. 

Rowdy leaves but not with out telling me to find her after and that i was to not lift a finger. These recruits had to earn there stripes and its just the way it was. Okay then. We start the longish process of cleaning out my rig and with the amount of people we have its done in no time flat.

Rowdy is in what it looks like a heated discussion with a man and there toe to toe. There is no way I am going to interrupt that. Not on your life. I get a nudge from Dog and he tells me that the man is her brother and has his balls in a twist and its up to Rowdy to untwist them. I just laugh because I swear there is going to be fists thrown. Dog tells me nah not going to happen to just watch. We do and before long Rowdy has the man in a headlock and is pulling his ear. I hear him call her annoying and she tells him to get over it. Dog grabs her attention and tells her how scared I was. 

Not fair. It was supposed to be a secret. She tells me there are not secrets here. Not among friends. We talk for a few moments and then go our separate ways. I am offered a shower that night, its cold but it makes me clean and i sleep like a rock. I did try to message Shannon but she must not have service. 

I was woke just shortly after I fall asleep by a knock on the door. This feels like dejavu to be honest but I throw on my robe and answer it. I am told that someone needs me. Shit. My clothes get thrown on in thirty seconds flat and away I go. It better be good because I am tired and its been a long day but looking at my phone its only ten thirty but it feels like a two am. 

I am lead towards a large group of people and I am thinking this is where I am going to die. Lets be honest here I don't know anything about motorcycle clubs and this group seems intimidating. Like its there job to make you piss yourself in fear. I am lead into the middle of the group and am afraid to look up. 

"So ladies, gents and everyone in between this is Tally. Today not only did she help organize the trailer with the donations of bedding and clothes and everything else but she saw a need and filled it. Because of her kids will have a toy or two to play with, us adults will have cards to play, babies will have rattles, teens will have notebooks to draw on and anyone who needs will have a stuffed animal to hug when nightmares hit. She came all the way from where did you from Tally?" I am asked by Rowdy. "umm Ma'am I come from all over. I um well I go where the road and my boss tells me to" I say stammering over the words. 

"Lets all raise a glass or bottle to Tally. Thank you bringing smiles to the faces of the ones who need it most. Our kids." She raises her flask as does everyone standing around. For the second time that day Rowdy has made me blush. I give a simple nod and start to walk away but am stopped by "Speech, speech speech" ummm yeah i would prefer not to but I don't think I have a choice.

Rowdy meets me half way and I fallow her up the steps that lead to back of the truck she was one earlier. "Umm forgive me for not having anything ready but I was sleeping when I got the invite." Lots of laughter happens after that joke. Good now lets get real. "I don't think what I did deserves any recognition at all. I seen kids, little ones, big ones, all shapes sizes and colors suffering. They lost it all. There bikes, there teddies they had sense birth, the blanket they took everywhere. For the teens maybe art was there way of dealing, maybe those that didn't color before will find some sort of normal in it. I seen a need and I tried to fill it. I am lucky, my home is my rig. I spent the storm with a stranger on a highway. We were safe and sound but when I started driving I seen devastation and when that stranger who is now a friend told me about how bad it was towards Florida I did my best to help but you all are helping just as much as i am. So here is a salute you, to everyone who has made a meal, went for more water, folded clothes, went to rescue humans, animals and possessions. Those that put there life aside to risk life and limb for strangers, neighbors and family." I raise my water bottle because that's all I have. There are hoots and hollers and my back is slapped as I make my way down the stairs and back to my truck.

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