Off we go.

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The dinner bell is rung just in time to save me from making a fool of myself and begging Tally to go on a real date. Not that we have many options but I could at least take her for a ride or something. She doesn't get that I am for real about how I feel about her. The comments she makes bother me.

She makes a lot of them about her weight and how she is not good enough not only for me but for anyone and it makes me want to find the person or people who hurt her and let the gators eat them piece by piece. She is beautiful. Her curves are perfect. Her hips are round, her breasts full and her ass well the song honkey tonk badonk adonk was wrote about it.

I don't want her to think that her extras make me not want her. Yes I have a type and yes she is it but it's more then her looks. It's a the way she took me in, a complete stranger. How she offers to help with the kids, last night she had a toddler on her lap feeding him as she ate so the mother could feed his twin. How she rocked him to sleep after helping give him a make shift bath. How she keeps herself busy and works till she drops. How she sees the little things. The way she listens to others and tucks away the information for future ways to help. 

It's in the way she has the prospects wrapped around her finger simply because she treated them like humans. How Rowdy told me Tally has earned her respect something not many have. It's in the way she puts others first like now I know she is hungry because I hear her belly but is waiting to make sure everyone has gone. It's how she found out a little girl loves Barbie and went threw more boxes then I could count to find the one shirt she seen to give to the child, and then make it into a dress with a piece of ribbon when it was too big.

I could go in but it's time to eat and I plan to make sure we both are full.


In the middle of eating my phone goes off and I step aside to answer it being as it's my boss. She asks me how I am doing and we chat for a moment then she gets to the reason she called. There is a load of supplies that are waiting in Vermont that need to make it to Homestead Florida. She tells me that normally it would only take 24 hours on a good day but what it's going to take is a guess.  I agree to take the load and let her know I would get some sleep and head out no later then six am. She thanks me more then needed and tells me to expect an address via text. 

I was not planning on leaving for another week but I can't leave the people of Homestead hanging. They have nothing from what I have read. I go back to my seat and let Shannon know the plan. I see the shadows in her eyes and it makes me sad, so when she asks if she can come with me I ask my boss and am told sure. She jumps up with her biscuit in her hand and heads towards Rowdy.

Although I can't hear what is being said I know I am being talked about because I am being pointed at. When I see smiles and a hug between the two I know it's a go. Rowdy fallows Shannon back to where we are sitting and gives me a hug and tells me to stay safe. I just smile. Then she tells Shannon that while we are gone we should fuck like rabbits because that's what she would do if she had me to herself for that long. Ohh my umm red is my new color. 

I think I died. Legit choked on my lemonade and could not breath. I run towards the bushes and my stomach looses everything I just ate. I felt light headed so I sat or plopped rather. Shannon and Rowdy were right by my side. Once I am deemed alive Rowdy starts to rib me. Telling me she missed her chance to give me mouth to mouth. Damn. 

I just shake my head. I have no clue how to respond in all honesty. Rowdy is good looking but she is not Shannon but it makes me feel good to get the compliment.  Shannon helps me up and we make our way to her tent to try to catch some sleep but its hard. Not only is it hot out but its light out too. I end up tying a piece of fabric over my eyes and snuggle back into her and will sleep to come and for once it works. 

My phone vibrates at five am and I am up and at em. I let Shannon sleep for another hour as I head towards my truck and go over my check list. I double check my log book, clean up the cabin a little and make a list of things I need. The storage is limited so I try to only keep what I cant live with out and limit myself to a small tote bin of extras like a nice dress, kitten heals, make up, a few extra body sprays and that kind of stuff.  Not that I have much use for it but here's to hoping. 

I make us some coffee and pancakes and bring Shannon breakfast in bed. She sets it down and pulls me in next to her and I try to protest but she shushes me and tells me just five minutes. I give in because who wouldn't?  True to her word five minutes is just that. She grabs what she needs out of the tent including her pillows and hands it all to a random prospect and points. My hand in hers we head towards the trailer that I have learned is filled with personal effects of the members of the mc. I walk in with her and hold the flash light as she grabs some clothes out of a huge military issue duffle and stuff it into a smaller black duffle with her name nick name on it. She leads me deeper into the trailer and hands me a few things and fills her arms with personal hygiene items out of a bin with her name on it. This place is organized to T. The setup is really interesting to me. 

After she is packed she hands off her duffle to yet a different prospect and we find Rowdy. She gives up both hugs and away we go. I ask about her bike and she assures me its already at the club house and safe and sound. 

Two Souls, Many StormsWhere stories live. Discover now