New beginnings

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Today is a big day for me. Its the first day of the national meeting of Heavens Misfists but its also the day I get patched in as a full member of the Nevada chapter. I have earned it I feel. The hours I have put in, the tasks I have completed. All worth it.

 Now on to the other big vote. I will either get voted in as the official Disaster relief and assistance coordinator or I won't. The way it works is every charter has either sent there president and vice president or they will vote via facetime. So the person being voted on has to have a seventy five percent or higher vote to get the position. If anyone has questions for the person being voted on that person enter the room to answer the questons or to claify anything that may need it. 

After the q and a the candidate leaves and the vote happens. After the votes are tallied and a decision is made the candiate is brought back into the room and they are made aware of the outcome.

For me I was pretty sure I would get voted in but I did not think it would be by a ninety five percent to five percent vote. All I have to do is sign on the dotted line and take the custom patch that goes with the title. Well two patches really.

So far this day as been one of the best of my life. I finally feel like I belong to something bigger then myself. The food is amazing, The drinks flow fast but I have not really touched it sense getting drunk the last time in the motel. Water is my go too along with the occasional soda. We party hard into the night. Dancing and just being rowdy and obnoxious.

There is a tattoo artist here and as much as I would love to get more ink I cant bring myself to. My body is my temple and it belongs to a certain artist that shall not be named. 

The next day I host a hour long seminar with what programs I would like to roll out including paid for cpr training along with basic first aid. Also encouraging presidents to get some of there members to join the local fire departments and ems squads. All skills that come in handy not just on a local level but on a national one as well. 

My ideas are met with enthusiasm and applause. I answer as many questions as I can and hand out cards with my email on them so the line of communication is always open. I want to be the best I can be in the position I am honored to be chosen for. 

There are so many people who want to help me too. I have a member from the Alaska charter offer to work with me on an app to make everything so much easier, he seen the one I have going now and points out the flaws that are not only frustrating for me but the people on the other end as well. His ideas are fantastic and I know we are on to something good here. I make plans to come visit him in a month or so. 

I spend a lot of my time between the Nevada chapter tent and the National tent. Handing out pamphlets, cards, and random things like key chains and fire alarms, little things with Band-Aids and if they picked the right duck a first aid kit for the adults or a teddy bear for the kids. I enjoy making new contacts and just being around to help where I can. Its something else new I discovered about myself. 

I see her for the first time in almost two years and I am blown away. She is so beautiful. More so now then before but it has nothing to do with weight she has lost but all to do with the smile on her face. It shines so bright and have no doubt she is the reason there is a line of people waiting to talk to her or buy Heavens Misfits merchandise. She takes time to talk to each person and answer as many questions as she can. She makes a connection with each person finding something in common to bridge the gap.

Rowdy sent me here to either end it for good or to make my move. Part of me does not think its up to me but Rowdy put me in my place quickly. Tally has tried to reach out to me on several occasions those birthday wishes and Merry Christmas messages. The ones on Thanksgiving too. I ignored them all. I chose not to answer them. I was not ready and I'm still not sure I am but its either now or never. 

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