Wind cant dry tears of the soul.

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I am scared shitless. Never been in a boat and have not really wanted too but I cant turn down the offer of gratitude. I close my eyes and lean into Shannon and I'm okay till we hit a bump and then I'm leaning over the railing puking. The president who I was introduced as Chestnuts laughs but offers me some paper towels. Men. I make it the rest of the ride with out further incident but it took a lot of praying. We pull up to the dock of the club and are ushered into the great room. Its quiet and stuffed with but I can admire the bones of place. Lots of wood, a pool table, a bar, darts. Looks like the average club Shannon tells me when I ask her about it later on.

We are offered breakfast items and I am not going to complain about any of it. It was hot as was the shower. Our bed was clean and cool. The next day we are offered a ride to where the hurricane hit the most. I was unsure until I was given motion sickness meds. Miracles do happen. The area we seen was horrible. There were destroyed homes, cars were beyond repair. We seen clothes in trees, we even scooped up a cat. Poor thing was soaked and a comment was made about it was lucky a gator or a snake didn't eat it. I shudder to think of what the men said. 

That had me looking out for said critters. I didn't see anything until Shannon pointed out a four foot black shape on the deck of a house. I thought it was log till it moved. Hell no. This is not for me. I stayed glued to Shannon's side and did not move. She pulled me in front of her instead and wrapped her arms around me.

After our little trip we are taken back to the truck and true to Chestnuts word there were two guys sitting behind my rig playing cards. We shake hands with them and get ready to leave. Just before we pull our we are handed some shirts with the club logo on it along with the patch that said Friend of said mc. Shannon tells me its there way of saying thank you and that we have done something for the club. Like a good deed. I tell Chestnuts and his crew I am more then honored to accept the gift and thank him for the tour of the area. He tells me to come back anytime and I promise to do it. 

When I get to cell service I call my boss and and am told where to drop off the trailer. She wished me well on my week long working vacation. Shannon texts Rowdy and asks if she needs anything and we get a text with a list of things if we can find it. A couple of stops and a few hundred miles later and we pull into camp. This time I park close to the trailers and am greeted with hellos and welcome back. Shannon gives Rowdy the updated totals and other news and I walk around asking what needs to be done.

I find myself in the trailer with the kitchen. I get bossed around and ribbed and I have the best time ever. I cant cook well but I can take orders and orders I am given. I slice tomatoes and onions and peel carrots. When asked my favorite salad I tell them its cucumber salad and the head honcho Dusty shakes her head and tells me she doesn't know that one. I do so I am put in charge of making it. I knew we have all the ingredients and its uses up things we would normally not have enough of to serve a crowd. It was a hit and was requested for tomorrow. I cant keep the smile off my face.

The next week goes by so fast and before I know it I am checking the tent for random socks, panties and what not. Shannon meets me at the truck and holds my hands while we say our see you laters.

This last week and a half with Tally has been amazing and her leaving is harder then I thought it would be. I know she has a job and as soon as I can get my shop up and running and more supplies I will too. My home shop is in panama city but I do travel if I decide to see another city or state. What do I do for a living you ask? I am an artist. I do custom paintings and tattoos. I also do custom rugs if I have the time and stained glass. I dabble in a lot of different mediums but those are my favorite. I love to turn nothing into something. Reuse metal and plastic to make wind chimes and garden pieces and the random piece of jewelry if inspired to do so. 

Anyways I wish I could climb into the rig with her and go but its not meant to be this time. I want Tally to know how I feel about her. "Tally can I ask you a question?" she nods biting her lip which is effing hot. "Would you mind if I kissed you?" She smiles and nods. I lean down and gently place my lips against hers. My hand cup her face and I don't know what came over me but when she opened her lips I took the invitation and kissed her like I have wanted to sense I met her. She moans and I wish I could make love to her and have her scream my name. Over and over again, show her what pleasures could be had when two woman loose all the inhibitions and just feel and be felt. 

Our first kiss is cut short by wolf whistles and cheers. Rowdy and her brother are standing behind us and making a ruckus. I give them the finger and we all laugh. Rowdy gives Tally a big hug and tells her its about damn time and wants to know if I want her to order the patch now. I shake my head. I will explain said patch later on. I help her up into the truck which is just an excuse to climb up and give her another kiss. I hand her a small package wrapped in tissue paper and tell her to message me before she goes to bed. She leans into me for a moment and I wrap my arms around her and just hold her.

Its nice to know that someone is going to miss me as much as I am going to miss her. I climb down and shut her door and walk away because I don't want anyone to see the tears that are falling down my face. I hear her horn blow and listen till I cant hear her engine anymore. I raise my hand to Rowdy and she nods and I climb onto the back of my bike and take off. Wind dries the tears on my face but cant touch the sadness in my heart. Not this time. 

Two Souls, Many StormsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ