Wrong way to the right way.

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I realize I have not seen Shannon since the day before when I find the clothes I laid out for her still on our bed. I slept in the Fema trailer with a couple of kids who were brought in without guardians last night. I didn't think anything of it because I figured she just went straight to our tent but then I went there to grab a clean shirt and the above mentioned clothes where still there I got a little spooked. I took a deep breath as my mind went a million ways.  Okay maybe she got clothes from the trailer? Maybe she needed different clothes? Maybe she slept in the truck?

I find Rowdy and ask her and that's when she told me we had to talk. She tells me that Shannon went out yesterday with a group and then came back and then went out in the middle of the night and has not been heard of and neither has anyone from the group she left with. 

I flip my shit and start to yell but then realize there are kids around. I pull her into the supply unit trailer and close the door and turn up the radio. That's when I am not quiet. I ask her when the hell someone was going to inform me? When I was going to be told? She shakes her head and tells me that I didn't need to know. 

Deep breath again.  I think it thru for a moment and think to myself do I treat her as my friend or as my subordinate? Technically speaking I am on the National Cabinet but am I ready to throw that in her face? Not yet but if I am pushed I will.  

I ask questions but get no answers other then she will let me know something as soon as she knows something. I do my best to remain calm but my ears are burning and my eyes watering. I give her one more chance and she blows it.

That's when I let her know that I am technically running this place and that its my job to make sure any and all the volunteers are accounted for Shannon included. She shakes her head and tells  that I am wrong because I am too close to the situation. Situation be damned and her with it.

I open the door gently but close it with a slam, head towards the nearest person who looks like they are going to leave and ask to go with them after I explain what is going on. He holds out his hand and helps me up into the back of the truck along with a few others. We search as far as we can with the vehicle then don life vests and go into a knarly looking boat thanking God I have nothing in my belly to empty into the black water. I am on it for what seems like days but I know is hours.

I beg god to find Shannon and to make sure she is okay but we did not find her. We found a dog and horse and led both to dry ground. We seen empty houses and spider webs. But no humans, especially not my human. We head back out after getting some more supplies and making notes on a map as to our destination. Searching for signs of anyone or anything is tiring but we do it.  Tying glow in the dark tape around branches and poles to signal that its been searched as to let others know not to waste there time. Any building standing gets a once then twice over and a red x put on the door or window or anything standing. 

I get back to Camp well after dark and I can tell by Rowdy shaking her head Shannon is not here or has not been found. I get changed, eat a quick meal and then sleep for a few hours and back out I go. The problem is that no one knows exactly where they went. 

So you all must be wondering what the hell happened right? Well its kindof simple and kind of stupid on my part but lets start at the beginning. I went out in the middle of the night because the buddy I was with got a tip there was a woman and two kids stuck in the attic of a house and he knew how to get there. The rescue mission turned into a need rescuing mission.

We were going along a back what would be road but was just water and who knows what else. I was holding the search light when we hit something and there was a instant hole in the boat. I was thrown overboard. I feel my leg snap but had no choice to swim towards the nearest tree and climb it the best I can to get out of the water. We have seen gators in the brackish liquid over the last few days and I don't want to fuck with them. Everything I was wearing got soaked including my radio. I heard my buddy in the boat swear and a splash but heard nothing after that. I called for him over and over but nothing but some splashing. 

I stayed in the tree till day light then looked around for my buddy and someplace better to be but didn't see either. I swam from tree to tree till I could find a porch to crawl up on and rest. For being Florida it was fuggen cold at night especially being as i was wet and in shorts and a shirt. I searched the house for anything I could use to start a signal fire but everything was damp or wet. I also looked for something to stabilize my leg. A broom handle and some torn bedsheets do the trick but it hurt like hell and I swore more then I ever had, at times I was on the verge of passing out. I know I am in shock and need to drink and eat but those things are limited.   I did find a few bottles of water and some tins of food and I took the chance on both. A few drops of bleach from above the washer and the water is as safe as I can make it and tasted nasty but the peanut butter was heaven. 

I listened for any sign of life but there was nothing. I tried to dry out my electronics but again no such luck. I did make myself a little bed and block off any way a gator could get to me and slept for a few hours. By my calculations I have been missing sense early yesterday morning and I know people have to be looking for me but the last I put on the sheet was the opposite direction I am in. We had to go around to get to where we originally were headed.

By day three I am feeling like shit. I am shaking and I know I have a fever. Another search of the house finds some dry clothes in the attic but nothing I can use. Its all baby clothes. I leave it be but do take a few books to try another fire. 

I am able to start a  small one in a spam can and I baby it. Threw out the night I yell and make noise by pounding on a pan with a wooden spoon, I also found a fire alarm and used it to make more noise.  The next morning my throat hurts and I am coughing. I know the signs of pneumonia and I am sure I have it. 

On day four I don't have the strength to yell anymore and am out of paper. I do pound my pot and just when I am about to give up I hear something. I hit the house with my spoon and then the pan. I smack lids together to make as much noise as I can. By the time I hear a voice for sure at least I think I do the world has gone black and I am warm again.

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