Fight babe.

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I am still out searching when the captain of the boat suddenly turns around. Either we have another mission or they found her but we are not going towards the camp. I dont know where we are going because its an air boat and I cant hear shit. We pull up besides another boat that is parked or moored rather and I get out. An ambulance is pointed at and I take off running. The door is shut and I go to open it but am stopped by someone in a uniform.

"Miss you cant go in there." I am told

"Wanna bet?" I flash my badge and open the door anyways. I don't make it it inside. Collapsing on the bumper and tumbling backwards ass over teakettle instead. I am lifted to my feet quickly and led to sit in the front seat of a car. My brain hazy, my body shaking with fear. 

I try to ask some questions but can't seem to get the words out. The team I have been with for the last three days makes there way towards me and I am able to make out words, just words not sentences. They get the drift and I am told a life flight is on its way.

And Shannon was going on it and being taken to a trauma center in Alabama. Her injuries are severe but she is alive for now.

I reach for the cb built into the dashboard and make my plea to Rowdy. I need my bike, and go bag but she tells me to hand the mic over to the captain and I do. I don't have it in me fight. Not this not now. 

By now I am able to stand and I shakely make my way to the open doors of the ambulance. They are prepping her for the helicopter. I reach for her hand and kiss her knuckles. She smells like gasoline and infection. I lean down and whisper my plea for her to hold on among other things.

I hear the lifenet approach and feel the wind from the blades but before they take her I lift her mask and give her a kiss just in case. I ask for the exact hospital and am given a name. I put it in my phone just in case because I know damn well I wont remember. 

After it takes off I send a few texts as the captain takes me back to camp via the air boat. Rowdy meets me there with clean clothes and we head towards the showers. She stands outside the door while I tell her what I need and where to find it. She radios the list to who ever and by the time I am out and dressed my bag is waiting for me.

I double check cords and such, grab clothes for Shannon and I along with a few other random things, grab a hot meal and some snacks and off I go. Rowdy is driving her truck with my bike on the back.

I leave my next in command in charge of Camp MisFits as I stay In charge remotely. He will be my ears and eyes on site and I will do my job from Alabama.  As much as I care for Shannon I have to do my job but if push comes to shove my job comes second.

The normally two hour drive take a little longer but to me it feels like days, or months even. At some point I must as passed out because I am woke up by a sudden stop. I grab my purse and head into the sliding doors labeled emergency room. The receptionist asks some generic questions and when he asks what our relationship to Shannon is Rowdy tells him she is her sister and I am her fiancé. I know its a lie but were kind of desperate.

He takes copies of insurance cards and then tells us to sit in the room he pointed to and someone would be out to speak with us soon. Well soon does not mean half and hour and when I mentioned that I got a another soon, well that soon was another half hour and at the point I demanded answers and would not leave till I got them. 

Finally someone in what I assume is a surgeon steps out and tells us Shannon is alive but in critical condition. She is septic and her kidneys were shutting down. Her left leg is broken in two places, above the knee and below. She also has various cuts and bruises. A concussion was likely. So basically she is a mess. 

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