Sweet Dreams Girls.

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Our first placement is before we are married and I am scared. We got the call about an hour ago that a sibling set needs emergency placement. Two girls ages thirteen and fifteen. Its four in the morning and Shannon is making the beds and I am making coffee and pacing like a moron. When I hear the gate beep I let the car in and take a deep breath. 

I call for Shannon and she meets me at the front door. The caseworker leads two very small and scared kids into our kitchen. We introduce ourselves and offer our hands to shake but they dont offer thetres. I understand. We are strangers. I offer them breakfast instead and that gets a responce. I show them what we have as Shannon learns of there story and signs paperwork. I stop long enough to add my own signature then go back to showing my new charges where to find syrup for waffles and fresh fruit salad. 

When the caseworker leaves and they are done eating we show them there rooms but I can tell something is wrong. The younger one asks if she can sleep on the floor besides her sister. I get it but shake my head no she can not sleep on the floor but she can sleep on an air mattress if she would like? She eagerly shakes her head in agreement. We get them settled and into clean pajamas, hand and faces washed and a tour of the house. 

Thats when I find the truth. There mom chose to give them up when the younger girl reported that the moms live in boyfriend was touching her. They are only here till they can find more permanent homes for them. Most likely apart. Apparently there is a younger brother as well who was placed with a family member. 

We dont go to bed but stay up to start setting up the appoinments necessary. They must see a pediatrician, there own law guardians and the court by time it all closes today. Plus we need to get them clothing, personal hygene items and anything else they may need. Busy day and it starts at eight thirty for them un fortunatly. First the doctors that there caseworker meets us there for and goes in with them. 

The older sister who has asked us to call her Liza will not leave her sisters side and is even more unhappy when she is told she is pregnant. Something that i take is a suprise to not only her but the caseworker as well.

After the doctors and the appointment with there law guardians we go out to eat for lunch then a one o clock with the judge where she informs the mother of Liza's pregnancy, who immediatly made it clear that she was no longer allowed in the home "because she did not want a whore living under her roof". 

I tell you if I was not busy holding hands with the girls it would have been tempted to commit an act of violence and I am not that kind of person. When the judge asked if they have found a more permanent placement for the girls I raised my hand. She asked who i was and i tell her and then speak.

"Your honor we meaning my fiance Shannon and I have known theese two girls less then twenty four hours but the thought of them being split up makes me sad. They deserve to stay together so if you would consider it we would like to offer more then temporary. We have two rooms, we have food and our house is equipped. We need to shop for clothes and such but thats easy. We have jobs that keeps us home the majority of the time and we have family close by that would love to pitch in." Deep breath now. 

She asks a bunch of questions and with in the hour we have two long term teens in our home unfortunately there little brother is going to live with his father who we understand is a good man. The girls cry but are promised they can see him and call him often.

Shannon and I sign more paperwork and we get some emergency medical cards and such and off we go. Liza is so quiet and I am worried. She has a lot on her plate right now and has an ob appointment in the morning. We go shopping for clothes and shoes and new bedding that they each want. As well as some school stuff for them both. 

Its when we pass the baby section that Liza looses it and I am glad Shannon takes Macy for a walk to check out some toys or whatever it is that thriteen year old girls want theese days. Liza and I walk around the baby section quietly for a good ten minutes before she stops and looks me in the eye and tells me "You may think that I am a bad girl but I am not, I had sex and now I am going to have a baby. I may not keep it but I wont murder it either". I am taken aback a little but admire her determineation and the way she told me how she feels and what she wants. 

"Liza i dont think your a bad girl or bad at all. Yes you had sex and yes your pregnant but that does not make you bad. You have choices and what ever choice your choose Shannon and I will respect. If you want to keep it we will do our best to help, if you want to go the adoption route then we will help then to and if you chose abortion we would hold your hand. We dont judge we love." I tell her. She looks at her shoes for a moment while wiping her eyes. I hand her a tissue and just wait. She needs to process this and that takes time. She needs understanding and love and we have lots of that.

When she is ready we look around and she picks out a white baby blanket with a yellow ducky that squeeks. She tells me that no matter what this blanket will be with her baby. I offer her a hug and she takes it. We find Macy and Shannon in the stationary section where they are picking out journals. We each pick out one and some special pens to use then its dinner at Arby's and home. 

Its ten by the time we get the new bedding washed and put on, curtains too and we are all tired but dessert is a must so I make us all hot cocoa at Macy's request with some cookies from a local bakery. The girls suprise us by asking us to say prayers with them and who are we to say no? They say there own private ones then take turns asking for something. Macy asks to be safe finally and Liza asks for help "making the biggest decision of her life". Shannon and I hold hands with them and when it's our turn to ask for something I ask for the girls to be safe and my other asks for them to have sweet dreams and good rest. We give them hugs and turn our the light after turning on the night light that is now by the door. Liza chose it and was kinda shy about saying she was afraid of the dark. I let her know I am too. 

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