Laters Bee

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School starts for both girls but only one gets on the bus. Macy starts seventh grade at the local middle school and Liza starts ninth grade on the computer. She asked if she could do the home school route so she could get ahead before baby Bee is born as she has taken to calling it. Being as she is five months along everyone on her team agrees. She calls its that not us. She told us that Bee needs a team  and so does she and every celeb has one. Then she tossed her long blonde hair with fading pink tips over her shoulder and fell on the floor in a fit of laughter. 

Macy has decided that she is comfortable enough in her own room and we painted it a lovely shade of orange. Her choice. Its ummm interesting but she calls it her pumpkin. Something to do with Cinderella. Shannon offfered to help her do a mural and thats what they work on for an hour or so after school. We encourage her to draw on the walls as long as its appropriate and love seeing the little things she points out. So far its frogs in hats and boots, some lady bugs dancing and rather shady look rat she calls Mr. Shanks. 

Shannon and I are also in school too. We have classes Monday and Thursday via skype and Tuesday with Liza after school for parenting. Macy hangs with Rowdy and they cook us dinner. We have come home to some amazing meals. Its a busy schedule but we make it work. Only issue we are having is with the girls mom. She has decided that she wants the girls now because the "Bastard grandchild will bring in some cash". 

Yeah im not impressed. The plan is always to reunite but not in this case. She refuses to cut contact with the asshole who touched Macy. By the way he got ten years because of a plea deal. She refuses to do the classes or clean her home. She does nothing but run her mouth and cause drama. In my opinion she is a pathetic excuse of a human being. 

Liza and Macy have there days. Macy is more huggy and wants to be reassured she is coming "home". She hates change and if something comes up she needs time to wrap her head around it. Shannon suggested a cell phone with just basic texting calling and we talked with her about it. She liked the idea and often texts one of us at lunch for an update about afterschool. She struggles with anxiety and hates court dates and meeting with anyone to do with the government, She is afraid they are going to make her leave us or take Liza away. We do our best to reassure her but we don't promise her things.

Liza on the other hand wants to be a part of all decisions made about her. She writes letters to the judge about how she is doing. What her grades are and what her plans are for herself and the baby. She is also working really hard on doing as much as she can school wise often working threw lunch and dinner but we make sure she rests after. Liza has talked to us about a few options when it comes to her Bee. She has made it clear she may not want to parent but wants to try. She has talked with an adoption councilor on a few occasions. 

Shan and I are proud of the girls. They are so smart and loving. We have talked to them about my job and what that may mean if I get called out. Shannon will stay home and I will go but will be available at all times to them. 

As far and Shannon and I go we are planning our wedding. We have decided on new years eve. A simple and easy affair. Declarations of love, great food and friends. Our colors were decided with help of the girls. We want to include them in everything if we can. Macy has asked to work with the caterer on a special dish that is a surprise. Liza is worried she is going to ruin in because she is due a few days after but we let her know that no matter what everything will be perfect. 

The first time I am away due to hurricane James is hard. It hits the east coast but misses us. I head out at three am on Thursday and its sudden. I am needed  in Maryland. I quietly open Macys door and kiss her forehead and leave her a note with a small present of special chalks to use on the walls. My laters to Liza is easier because she wakes up when I enter. I explain what is going on and show her the data. She is really smart when it comes to science and understands what I tell her. She holds my hands and we pray. She asks for god to keep me safe and to help the kids who needs it and if Tally happens to bring home a kitten that it would make her happy. Two really because Macy needs one. I shake my head and hug her tight. She demands I say adios to Bee before I go. I rub her belly and tell Bee that Tall'o (Liza has asked if its okay for Bee to call me that and who am I to say no?) loves it and to not give its mom ship- yes ship because Shan and i are watching out mouths. Call me a reformed trucker.

The last person I say my laters too is Shan, she is by the door with a bag of snacks and drinks and a few extra kisses and snuggles. I love her so much and its going to be hard to be away from her but I also know that there are people that need me. Boots on ground is better then boots in the closet and me being a thousand miles away. We both know this but laters are hard for us. I kiss her and snuggle into one last time. I go to leave and she slaps my ass and tells me to bring it back home as soon as possible. I smile and open the door and then shut it. I am flying into Virginia then will travel the rest of the way by car or van. 

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