"I have their phone records." Said Adam.

"What does it say?"

"She phoned someone called Leonardo Bugassi."

"That's Andy's assistant guy."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. Andy owns a plane. Maybe they went to the private airport."

"Think or know?" Asked Hank towards Adam.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you think or do you know?" Hank asked.

"I don't know, okay? It's our best shot though." Said Adam.

"Okay. Let's go."

We ran out of the hospital and into our cars. We drove full speed to the airport to see one plane on the runway and a pilot was getting out of his car.

"Who do you work for?" Asked Hank, holding a gun up to his head.

"Andy Greco. Please don't shoot." He begged.

"Who are you flying and where are they going?"

"His daughter and friend. They are going to New York. That's all I know. Please."


"What? No. I have a job."

"Leave. Now." Said Hank.

The pilot ran into his car, started it and drove off full speed out of the gate.

We ran out onto the runway to see Leonardo holding up Kat and Bella trying to call somebody. When they saw us, they started running but didn't make it very far because we held our guns up.

"Stop moving or we will shoot." Said Hank.

"What?" I asked towards him.

"Just raise your gun, Halstead."

I hesitantly raised my gun at the girls but my hand was shaking too much so I dropped it.

"I don't want to do this but I will." Said Hank.

"Let us go."

"Give the money to us." Said Hank.

"What, so you and your dirty cops can get your hands on it? What is it, pay day?" Said Kat.

"That money isn't yours." I said.

"It isn't yours either." Said Bella.

"It's more ours then it is yours." Said Kat.

"That money belongs to your dads."

"They don't need it." Said Kat.

"If they buy anything illegal in jail, we can put them away for longer. Just give us the money." Said Antonio.

"No. We can go to New York." Said Bella.

"Why go to New York?" I asked.

"Because we got into NYU. We can get real jobs, leave this life behind and become something amazing." Said Kat.

"What about DCFS?"

"We'll hide, change our names."

"I can't let you do that." I said.

"We have a shit life. I never asked for the bruises or to nearly die in hospital! Just let us leave, it's not like you care. You guys are the main reason everything went to shit!" Shouted Kat as she grabbed her stomach and nearly collapsed to the floor but Leonardo held her up.

"You are mouthy. Ever think of that. You pushed him to the point where he got angry."

"I knew it! You care more about criminals, you will take their side any day just to keep your reputation high. You want to return us to the hospital so everyone can praise how much of savoir you are! But you didn't save me, Jay did."

"I care about you! Why can't you see that? I am in so much trouble at the moment because I have given off cases to other units because I want to help you guys. The only reason you were saved is because I told the higher police that I wouldn't stop until you guys are safe. They can take my job if they want to." Said Hank.

"Please. Just put the money down."

Kat looked at Bella and nodded towards her. Bella chucked the bags towards us and gave a small smile.

"We are not letting DCFS take you." I said.

"What are you gonna do? Kidnap us?" Laughed Kat.

"No. You both have a choice to make. We are all willing to take you guys in. Just a few bits of information before you make a decision but would you want to stay with one of us. We will be your legal guardians." Said Hank.

They both nodded and waited for Hank to carry on.

"If you pick me, I do have other kids so you will have to be able to spend time with them." Said Antonio.

"Oh and you guys can pick different people." Said Hank.

"I live with my brother. Kat you already know that." I said.

"I have my siblings at home." Said Kevin.

"Kim and I are a couple so if you pick one of us, you'll get both of us."

"I live at home with no one. I have no family." Said Hank.

The girls turned around to talk to each other as Leonardo walked towards us.

"Hi. I'm going to leave now." He said.

We just nodded and let him leave.

A Broken Pair - (CPD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora