18 Nightmare

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Karla: What brings a Galdoran like yourself to this remote island.

Lazarus: So you know what I am?

Torhn: It's painfully obvious. That hoarse voice of yours gives it away.

Lazarus: Well, I'd expect nothing less from a group of dragons. As to what we're doing, I'm afraid that's none of your concern.

Bee: Seen as you haven't attacked us yet, am I correct to assume you only want something from within this laboratory?

Jezabell: Like we said! Highly confidential!

Lazarus chopped Jezabell over the head again.

Jezabell: Hey! What are you-

Lazarus: No, we're not. But I can assure you, we do not want to fight. Well, I don't want to fight, but I have no idea what that creep's thinking..

Jezabell: Why are you being so mean!

Lazarus: Well then. If you'll excuse us, we have a few more things to, 'clean up'.

Bee: ..I understand. But I'm going to have to ask you to be patient for a bit, as we still need him to release one of the Jacks.

Lazarus: You mean they're here? On this island?

Bee: Yes. they do live here, after all

Lazarus: Huh. I never would have guessed. If I had known earlier, I would've come here voluntarily.

Jezabell: Hey, what are these Jacks you guys keep talking about?

Gordon: Ok. I've released the creature from it's shackles. I'm free to go now, right?

Bee: ..Show me.

Gordon: Huh? Show you what?

Bee: That Jaqueline's been released.

Gordon: You mean that black and white creature from before..?

Bee: Indeed I do. Now hurry up and show me.

Gordon spins around and fiddles with the controls, bringing up a video footage from outside, showing the canine-esc creature running into the forest.

Gordon: There..! You'll let me go now right..?

Everyone exchanges glances before looking at Lazarus and Jezabell, signalling them that they can kill the poor scientist.

Gordon: ..Right..?

Lazarus: We thank you for your cooperation, but I'm afraid that you're the only one left before we can go home, sooo..

Lazarus raises his pitch black hand coursing with magma, then snaps his fingers. Everyone looks over at Gordon, only to se him being dragged into an abyss that opened underneath him. His muffled cries can be heard through the inky black skeletal hands holding his mouth shut. The last thing they hear his the poor scientist scream..


..Then his head is drawn into the inky black abyss, along with his screaming, now turned mumbling.

Bee: Well then. We won't keep you any longer. 

Lazarus: Thank you. Let's hope we don't meet like this again.

Lazarus then turns and the lights go out.

Duke: Hey! Who turned out the lights!?

Jezabell: It wasn't me!

Then a distant song can be heard...

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