10 New horizons

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After saying their goodbyes, Bee, Duke, Sam, Karla and Ashley left the harbour on a boat summoned by Karla that looks faintly reminiscent of the 'Black Pearl' from pirates of the Caribbean, made entirely out of a cerulean blue steel

Ashley: So. How long we gonna be at sea for.

Bee: Who knows? A few days, maybe a few weeks.

Karla: Any destination in mind?

Bee: Not really. I want to go back and locate that abnormal energy source I found before the incident, but that can wait until we've got a few more companions with us. Besides, being at sea gives you and Duke a chance to get clo-

Ashley: SHUT UP!!

Karla: Oh, relax dear. It's obvious that you like him, and anyone who couldn't see that is denser than a neutron star.

Ashley: ..What's a neutron star?

Karla: Basically a bunch of stars that've merged into one. Incredibly dense

Ashley: Oh...

Duke: Eyes on a ship! Starboard side!

Bee: Everyone keep an eye on it! If they come too close, don't be afraid to open fire!

Duke: Wait! I think they're turning away!

Sam: (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧

Bee: No way Sam. If they don't want to fight, we won't force them too.

Sam: (;_;)

Bee: Oh, get over it. There's still loads we can do to pass the time.

Karla: Sure. Like there's anything to do. I'm gonna go take a bath to pass the time.

Ashley: There's a bath on this thing!? I'm coming with you!

Karla: Sure! It'll be nice to have someone to talk too!

Bee: I think I'll go play cards with the skeletons over there.

Duke: I think I'll watch this time..          ..I think my sea sickness is finally setting in..

Bee: That might be for the best.

20 minutes later..

Bee: Read 'em and weep men!

Skeletons1,2&3: ('゚д゚')

Duke: ..Damn..               ..I lost..                     ..Again..

Bee: Cheer up! There'll be many chances for you to get a grasp on the game!

Duke: ..I know..       ..I think it's just sea sickness messing with me..

Skeleton4: Land Ho!

Duke: Where!?

Ashley and Karla come up from the stairs, dressed in nothing but towels.

Ashley: What's the commotion for??

Duke: LAND!!

Ashley: WHERE!?


Ashley: LAND!!

Bee: At least go put some proper clothes on before we take anchor..

Karla: Oh, come on~. Don't you like us like this~?

Bee: Yes, but what would other people think if they saw two beautiful women, such as yourselves, walking in nothing but bath towels, next to us big, strong, burly, handsome men, such as ourselves?

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