5 Time to Duel!

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Bee: Well, that was something else..

Karla: Of course it was my dear. Did you forget who you were doing it with~?

Bee: Of course not! How could I forget that pathetically cute face of yours?

Karla: Now your just being mean..!   (˃̣̣̥n˂̣̣̥ )

Bee: Oh, stop being a wimp. Do you want seconds or not?

Karla: I always want seconds if it's you, Darling~!

TimeSkip to morning, due to incredible amounts of sourness

Bee: Mmmmm..      ..soft.. 



Bee: Mmmmmmm..     ..Five more minutes..

Karla: No can do darling! Or did you forget that your now the headmaster of this most prestigious academy?

Bee: ..Fuck..     ..All right fine, what am I doing.

Duke: Your supposed to give a speech at todays assembly, and then look over the new applicants for the school.

Bee: Kool, ok, That doesn't seem that bad.

Duke: Oh! And you still have to tell Karla about about Lani.

Karla is now gripping Bee with incredible might, smothering him in the process..      ...He appears to be enjoying it...

Karla: You mind telling me who this 'Lani' is dear?    (╬►_◄)

Bee: Shmm smmm gemm me mmmt mmihl maiminm mimm mace. Shmm mumtem mm muu meamm mer mamic, mo mi meed muu mumd meamm mer.    (She's some girl we met while raiding this place. She wanted me to teach her magic, so I said you would teach her.)

Karla: Oh, is that all it is? Then I was defensive for no reason..

Bee: Mess.  (He's still being smothered)

Lani: What did he say? Juice?

Karla: So am I correct in assuming your Lani~?

Lani: Yes! That's correct ma'am!

Karla: Well then, you seem to be more than acceptable to be my student. Shame you're not any younger. You could already be an amazing mage if that was the case.

Lani: You really think so!?

Karla: Of course. I don't give out praise if I don't mean it. And if you don't want to call me by my given name, then at least call me Miss.

Lani: Umm, OK Miss..!

Karla: I can see you're more than eager to begin studying. We'll start tomorrow. Half a day with me, half a day with Duke.

Lani: Why only half a day..?

Duke: Like I told you, one of the easiest ways to increase your mana is by training your body to surpass it's intended limits. That's why most of us can easily cast spells that would normally take five humans to cast. Plus, if you train enough, it can expand your life a hundredfold easy!

Lani: So you weren't lying then..

Duke: Of course not! I wouldn't lie, unless it strictly benefitted myself!

Bee: So that makes it how many times now?

Duke: Three. The one about my sister, the one about not eating the cake that one time, and that one time I was half asleep, walking around like a glorified zombie.

Karla: So it was you who ate that cake!

Duke: oh, get over it. That happened like, 50 bajillion years ago.

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