11 City of men and marble

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Ashley: I was kinda hopin' you'd put a more of a fight..

Human2: Let go of me this instant, young lady!

Ashley: Young lady? God you're so nice for a human, calling me young..         (>//W//<)

Karla: Stop letting her get in your head.

Ashley: What's that supposed to mean!?

Karla: Ok, I admit, that didn't quite come out how I wanted it too..

Ashley: Then what the hell were you trying to say!?

Karla: I meant it as she probably knows what we are, and is using complements to try and weasel her way out of the current situation.

Ashley: Oh..

Karla: Besides, we're roughly the same age, so calling you old, is in turn, calling me old..

Ashley: Well, whatever. Let's just get back to the boys. Knowing them, they're either sunbathing, blowing things up, playing a game or a mix of all three..

Karla: You're right. I can't imagine what kind trouble they'd get themselves into if we weren't here..

Ashley: Then who's going to carry her? Won't be me. I was the one who captured her.

Karla: That's fine, I know someone. JET! GET OUT HERE NOW!

The mystery man named 'Jet' appeared out of a thick, charcoal black smoke. He appeared to to a regular human wearing a crimson oni mask, until you noticed his skin, which was an oddly pale shade of white. Long, thick, matted, Abyssal black hair was tied in a high ponytail, reaching down to their ankles, barley gracing the grass with its presence. A raspy voice called, revealing the speaker to be male, slightly muffled by the mask..

{A/N: Mask for reference}

{A/N: Mask for reference}

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Jet: You called..?

Karla: Yeah. Pick her up and follow us.

Jet: Yes, my queen..

Ashley: Queen?

Karla: Has nobody told you who I am?

Ashley: No..

Karla: Oh. Well, I was princess in the spirit world, which was ruled by my father, king Arnor, at the time. And the mortal and spirit world had been at war for a long, looong time. That's why Bee's father, King Gondor, wanted to unite the world. So he could become King of the world, and marry Bee of to me to create a truce with my father. Even if we didn't have the kings' blessings, we still would've run off together, never to be found again. Once we married, Bee became king of mortal world, and I became queen of the spirit world. A few million years later, here we are! I just hope that my father will go easy on him..

Bee: Who's father Arnor beating up now?

Karla: You.

Bee: Oh, is it because...

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