2 Pesky Elves

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Duke: Finally, Fresh air!

Bee: Hurry up, or your being left behind.

Duke: Wha- Wait up!


Bee: I was expecting the humans to have advanced much more than what they have. Kinda disappointing.

Duke: Yeah, well, they can at least put up a good with their guns.

Bee: The fuck is a gun?

Duke: Oh right, you been dead for like, 10 million years. So basically, the humans have improved their smiting skills and make little things called 'Bullets', and they shove loads of explosive powder behind these bullets and ignite the explosive powder, and since there is no way for the air to go, the bullets are pushed at high speeds down a cylindrical hole, making the bullets fly. More powerful bullets use more gunpowder to deal more damage. You understand?

Bee: ...I think so...

Duke: OK. Well, the city is up ahead. I suggest we put on some fashionable clothes.


Duke: Looking good!

Bee: Thanks. Now, let's go find everybody.

Duke: That'll take a while man, you sure you wanna find everybody?

Bee: Well, if I make a commotion like I usually would, it should definitely grab their attention, right..?

Duke: Not only would you get their attention, you'd also get the attention of the humans..

Bee: What's so bad about that? They're just little ants trying to kill a whale. I'll crush them like I always do.

Duke: No, I know you will, but I'm more worried about myself..

Bee: Oh relax, It's not like they're gonna use those pathetic little bullets, Right?

Duke: No, I meant my anger management isn't quite what it used to be, so I might not be able to control myself completely..

Bee: Oh. Well, I can knock you out if you can't do it.

[mind]Duke: That's why I'm afraid..  (T▽T)

[distant]Bee: You're being left behind again!

Duke: Bitch! Wait up!

About 1 hour later..

Duke: The city's just past that mountain.

Bee: Good. I can't wait to see how far humans have devolved.

Duke: You best keep cautious, the humans in the town aren't very kind to us monsters.

Bee: You should know better than to lump me in with you guys.

Duke: ...I wasn't trying too..

???1: Halt! Who goes there!?

???2: You'd best show yourselves!

Bee: Humans??

Duke: Judging by the scent, I'd say they're elves.

Bee: I thought elves were extinct!?

Duke: So did I, yet here we are. Maybe they went into hiding, 'cause of their low numbers..

Bee: Wait. One of them is approaching.

Duke: Let's catch it and tell it to take us to their fort!

Bee: Be quite!

Duke: Sorry..  (T▽T) 

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