14 Town on the water

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After about 3 weeks on the Steel Behemoth, newly dubbed as the Crimson Colossus, the skeleton crew can be seen maintaining the boat to a perfect standard, until one of the two skeletons in the crows nest spots a village in the middle of the ocean..

Skeleton1:       !!!         WATER VILLAGE OFF THE PORT BOW!!


Skeleton3: YES SIR!

The skeleton rushes down a flight of stairs, through a decently sized corridor and bursts into a washroom, in which Bee, Duke, Torhn and Odin were relaxing in what seems to be a nicely sized hot tub. Just enough room to not look gay, and just enough room so they didn't have to yell to hear each other.

Skeleton3: Captain! There's a water village nearby. Would you like to go take a look?

Bee: I don't think any of us men care to much for it. Go ask the girls, see what they say.

Skeleton3: Alright! I'll report back with an answer asap!

The skeleton retreats from the room and moves across the hallway to the other side, putting on a blindfold in the process. Although he can not see, Ashley, Karla and Freya are soaking in a similar sized hot tub, while Sam is just kinda floating around in the water..

Skeleton3: Erm..   E-Excuse me Ladies, but I've come to ask if any of you would like to stop at a water village we've spotted..

Ashley: Eh? Water village? What's that?

Skeleton3: It's a village that is often built by mer-folk, as a sort of rest place and safe haven for sailors...

Ashley: Sounds like fun! Can we go?!

Skeleton3: I've been asked to gather the general opinions, soo...

Ashley turns to the others, pulling the 'Puppy Dog' face..

Karla: It does sound like fun..

Freya: I've never actually been to one before, so..

Skeleton3: I'll take that as a yes from all of you then...

The skeleton leaves the room, crossing the hallway to where the men resided, taking the blindfold off.

Skeleton3: The Ladies have said they'd like to stop and look around the water village..

Bee: Well then? Get to it! Let's go!

Skeleton3: Yes Captain!

Fifteen minutes later, everyone is on the bow, staring at the small kingdom-sized water village. Bee and Duke had their cargo shorts and hawaiian flower print shirts. Ashley and Karla had their  short shorts and shirts that accentuated their physique. Odin came out wearing what looked to be a giant potato sack, which upon closer inspection, was made out of a thick, brown, fluffy wool from an unknown creature, paired with emerald green slacks. Freya was sat on Odin's shoulder, dressed in short shorts and a pastel green crop top. Torhn had a black shirt, with white writing saying "!DANGER!",  a black leather jacket with a scale print, a pair of black jeans, black hiking boots and his Ōdachi slung across his back.

Bee: Has everyone got everything they need?

Ashley: Yup!

Duke: Should do!

Freya: Ready whenever Boss!

Karla: As long as I can be with you, I'm ready whenever~!

Odin: ʕb•ᴥ•ʔb

Sam: (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧

Torhn: I think I've got everything..

Bee: Well, what is it? Yes? or no?

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