6 The secret to true power + a new friend.

16 0 2

Rae: Your not getting rid of me..?

Bee: Of course not. It'd be an enormous waste to let you slip through my fingers.

Rae: ..Oh, I see..             ..Well, you going to break your promise?

Bee: What promise?

Rae: You said you'd tell me the secret to your power.

Bee: Oh. I was born with it.

Rae: Huh?

Bee: Genetics. I'm sure you understand.

Rae: ..Can you at least tell me what it does?

Bee: Sure. I was born with this ability to absorb any and all kinds of energy; Magic, Kinetic force and Sunlight to name a few, and store the energy inside my body. I can expel the built up energy by shooting out in beams, using it for magic or providing my body with sustenance so I don't have to eat or drink. As far as I'm aware, my body can store a near infinite amount of energy. I say this, as I've never been anywhere close to reaching even 1/10 of my body's known capacity.

Rae: Weird. 

Bee: Thanks..          ..I think..?

Lani: Could you charge a phone by injecting energy into it!?

Bee: Well, It works on sentient things, so I don't see why not.

Lani: ..Wicked..!

Rae: So, am I correct in assuming that was how you managed to conquer all 16 nations?

Bee: Yes. That is very correct. Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have a few things I must attend too.

Bee then seemingly disappears into thin air without a trace, Reappearing in front of Sam, who has built a small shine into the side of the Headmasters office.

Bee: Why thank you Sam. It's not quite what I had pictured in my mind, but it's more than enough to pray to the lord with. Now, could you fetch the others, and grab a loaf of bread please?

Sam: (o^_^)b            ┗(^_^ )┓三


Karla: I haven't done that in a while..            ..It feels nice..!

Duke: I think that's the only thing we can agree on.

Karla: It must be.

Sam: ( 0o0)              ( •̀o•́)╭☞

Duke: Boats in the bay..?

Karla: What the heck..?

Bee: Oh great, more humans too deal with. Duke. You take Sam and go see what their whole shtick is about. If they're here to 'aid' or 'take revenge for' the destroyed city, Blow them sky high.

Duke: Yes! Understood! Let's roll Sam!

Sam: o(○`ω'○)9

Down at the docks...

Duke: Greetings! What might be the reason for your visit, gentlemen..?

Crewmember2: We have come here as a passenger ship today..    ..May we dock and let our passenger off? We were paid an outrageous amount to deliver them...

Duke: ..Give us a moment to consider..

[Whisper]Duke: What do we do about this? We were only told to take action if they wanted to 'aid' or 'take revenge for' the city, but they only what too drop someone off?

Sam: (ー_ーゞ                 (∩ ⌣̀_⌣́)                 ╮(╯_╰)╭

[Whisper]Duke: You think we should kill them anyways..?

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