17 The 「Hero」

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Hero PoV:

My name is Cecilia Gold. I was a huge nerd, and loved anime. I think its called being an 'Otaku'. It's all I'd do everyday, watch anime and play games. One game I'd been anticipating finally came out the other day, and I rushed down to get my copy of the game I had played the closed beta for. I was lucky for that, only 15 people were chosen for it. The game in question was an MMORPG called 'Ashes of Legends'. My character was an elvish Paladin, and just so happened to be one of the most powerful of Paladins to roam the lands! That was about three years ago, before I was tragically hit by a Truck.

???: -y. hey. Hey! HEY!!! WAKE UP SHITHEAD!!!

Cecilia: Huh..?      ..Who's there..?

???: Turn around, dumbass!

Cecilia: Wh-Who are you!? Why are you in my house?!

Ariel: Ariel. I'm an angel. and technically speaking, you're in my house.....Gods you humans are truly insufferable..

Cecilia: A-Angel..?

Ariel: Yes! Gah! Honestly! You're lucky we actually need you!

Cecilia: ..Need.....Me..? Surely there's someone more qualified!

Ariel: Yes, there is. But for some dumbass reason, you were chosen over the other hundreds of qualified people. Now listen closely, I'm only going to say this once. *INHALE* There has been a disturbance in one of the other worlds, Blah blah blah, go fix it, and you'll be rewarded, etc. etc.

Cecilia: ..Do I get any special abilities, or..

Ariel: You humans made a replica of this world into a video game, and since you are most familiar with it, we sent one of our guys to send you here, even though there were far better qualifiers

Cecilia: Wait. You mean the truck was...

Ariel: Yup! Now go forth and do your duty! ..Wait, I should probably tell you what game it was...I believe you humans called it 'Ashes of Legends'..

Cecilia: Does that mean I can be my paladin?!

Ariel: Sure, I don't see why not. But you will be starting at level 1 though. Not much I can do about it.

Cecilia: That's fine. I know the best spots to grind levels!

Ariel: Didn't ask. Off you go now.


Cecilia: Why did you---AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Ariel: Finally. Now where were we~

The angel snapped her fingers, and suddenly, I was in the middle of the forest, surrounded by humans, presumably trying to take me as a slave, when a monotone voice spoke into my head.

???: Greetings 「Hero」 This is not a very fortunate situation, I recommend we run away.

Cecilia: Agreed!

I don't know who or what that voice is, but it was right. I turned and ran as fast as I could, which was a lot faster than what I thought it would be. After Easily loosing the humans, I sat down, leaning against a tree

Cecilia: So. *huff* Who are. *puff* You?

ISAC: I am ISAC. I will be here to assist you in your journey to become the strongest and defeat 'King', who has mysteriously come back from the dead. Your mission, as I just stated, is to gain enough power to defeat the 'King', and bring peace back to this world. Completing this task will grant you the choice of you to staying in this world, or going back to your own world to continue living how you were before.

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