15 The 'Duke' Problem

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Mayor M: Take a look! Anything you guys like?

Freya: Why are we here again?

Torhn: We're here to select the payment for killing a guy.

Freya: Oh! Well then, I want this staff.

Mayor M: All yours kid.

Freya: I'M NOT A KID!

Mayor M: I know, but I'm still older than you.

Guard2: I've got the Juice you asked for..

Duke: ..Ooh..       ..Gimme Juice..

Guard2: Here.

Duke:  ..mmmm..     ..Juice..

Torhn: I'm taking this cool little orb.

Mayor M: That's a chunk Obsidianite I mined. It's highly magnetic, and tends to repel anything that isn't more Obsidianite.

Torhn: I'm still taking it.

Mayor M: Uh, ok?

Ashley: Hey! What's this thing!?

Mayor M: Those are gauntlets made from the remains of a mountain mole. It probably won't do you any good, unless your digging somewhere with your bare hands..

Karla: I don't think there's anything here I want..

Mayor M: Well, tell me what you want. I might have something similar somewhere..

Karla: Any spell books?

Mayor M: Yeah, there's a few here..


Karla: That's...             ..Not what I was expecting..           ..I'll take them!

Mayor M: You want anything big man?

Odin: ฅʕ-ᴥ-ʔ

Mayor M: No? Well, If you insist. What about the noble? Would he like anything?

Bee: ..hmm..         ..I'm taking this sword.

Mayor M: All yours! I must warn you though, that is a spirit blade, and rather feisty that one! Though, someone of your strength could easily put it in it's place

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Mayor M: All yours! I must warn you though, that is a spirit blade, and rather feisty that one! Though, someone of your strength could easily put it in it's place..

Bee: I know. That's why I chose it.

Jet: May I pick something, my king..?

Guard2: Gah! What the hell?! Where did you come from?!

Jet: The floor boards..?

Mayor M: Oh...Well, here! I think this suits you nicely!

Jet: Ooooohh..   ..What is it..?

Mayor M: It's a cloak mimic. It'll allow you to shapeshift into inanimate objects that're roughly the same size as yourself. He's also quite restless, and will eat anything you let him, so do be careful.

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