4 'Divine' intervention

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Bee lets Sam slip from his grasp and enters a freefall, landing between the humans and Duke, facing Duke, telling him to go along with his plan

Human1: What his he saying?

Human2: How the hell am I supposed to know!?

Human3: Stand fast! It might launch an attack against us!

Human4: I hope not..

Bee: Humans! I apologize for my subordinates rash actions. He did not consult with me before destroying half of this city.

Human2: What the hell do you mean by 'apologize'!? He blew up half the city!!

Bee: Oh, I'm aware. I was going to level the entire city in one move, but he acted without my permission, and has made this infinitely harder on me.

Duke: My lord, how can I make this up to you!?

Bee: Hmmm...        ..Let's see...           ..I guess you could finish the job, and level the other half of the city, but that would be to easy..

Human3: I don't like where this is going..

Human1: Neither..

Bee: Ooh! I got a good one! Bring me every single head of the humans that are alive..

Human1: What!?

Human2: He's insane!

Human3: I thought as much..

Human4: Like I'd Let you

Bee: ..Completely intact, no breaks cracks or anything like that, or I'll make you rebuild the entire city from scratch. Understood!?


Bee: Actually, leave that castle in the middle of the harbour. I believe one of our friends are in there.

Duke: Very well. Anything else, my lord?

Bee: That will be all. You're dismissed. SAM! Come along, we're leaving for the castle.

Sam: (・ω・)b


Human2: It's the captain!

Captain: I leave for three days, and come back to the city half destroyed!? You guys are useless!

Human4: We're sorry captain, but this, thing, blew up a quarter of the city when it landed!

Captain: Blew up..?  What do you mean blew up!?

Human3: We don't know! He came from up high, and when he landed..    *Terrible explosion mimic*

Captain: Weird..     ..Well, Your opponent is now-

Mid sentence, the Captain was Instantly killed by Duke, who had punched him in half.

Duke: You talk to much.

Human4: Well shit..


Duke: Be quiet.

Duke: Be quiet

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