9 The love in the air burns like brimstone

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After sorting out Ashley's conundrum, Bee sent her on her way and promptly fell on his desk asleep. Without realizing how long he was asleep, Bee woke up to the sound of hushed talking, finding that there were two students awkwardly sitting in front of him, and one other with a pompous attitude, slightly further back, on one of the two couches facing each other.

Bee: ..Huh..?            ..What are you girls here for?

Student1: We, uh, we were sent here by teacher Rae..

Student2: We shouldn't be here! We didn't even do anything!

Student1: Shut up! Your only going to get us in more trouble!

Bee stood up, scaring the two students into hugging one another. Bee completely ignores them, and walks over and sits opposite of the third student and takes out a fresh bottle of a 1.25 liter of 'Fireball', a liquor that is comprised of pure alcohol, and roughly 1 cup of cinnamon for every liter. A draconic drink, and popular past time.

Bee: You gonna tell me what happened?

Student3: No.

Bee: *sip* Then what about you two? You gonna explain why you're here?

The third student glares daggers at the other two, prompting them to shut up, while Bee does nothing to stop her from silencing them, as he want's to see what they'll say

Student1&2: N-no..

Bee: *sigh* Well then, I have no other choice. *sip* DUKE!

Duke bursts through the door, excitement glinting in his eyes.

Duke: Yes boss!?

Bee: You three are too follow Duke's punishments, starting dawn everyday and finishing at dusk. He'll make them increasingly harder each time, *sip* starting with 100 laps around the school walls. If you can't complete all 100 tomorrow, *sip* start from where you left off the day after.

Student1: Wait, you can't do that!

Bee: Of course I can. *sip*

Student2: But, what about our classes?!

Bee: Looks like you'll have to take night classes if you want to pass the year. *sip*

Student3: Yeah right. Like I'm gonna listen to that brute over there.

Bee: Lucky for you three, I'm in a generous mood right now. *sip* I you tell me why you're here, I'll consider sparing you from Duke's punishments. *sip*

Duke: Really? How generous that is..

Obvious disappointment could be heard from dukes words..

Bee: Very. Now, if you're still not gonna tell me why you're here, you can leave. *sip*

Student1&2: We'll tell!

Student 3: No. You won't. 

Bee: Duke, You can take her to suffer. *sip*

Duke: Very well.

Duke calmly walk over to the third student and attempts to grab her, but the student dodged almost immediately and ran through the door, causing a panic in the hall way.

Bee: Make sure she starts with 200 laps. *sip*

Duke: Alright.

Duke soon burst off after the student, vanishing into mid air, somehow not making a single sound.

Bee: Good. now that she's gone, *sip* you two gonna tell me why you're here?

Student1: W-well..

Bee: You don't have to worry about her. If she does anything to you, come tell me, and I'll have Duke sort it out. I promise. *sip*

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