Chapter 42

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I come back to Zero's room, first aid kit in hand. As I kneel beside him and bring my hand to his foot in order to see the extent of the wound, he pushes it away.

- But you're hurt !

- It's nothing...

- What happened ?

- Sorry, I went a little crazy there.


- I know I shouldn't have, but... Shit, drinking isn't enough to make me forget.

He puts his hand on his head and cries.

- You, at least, are lucky on that...

- Why ? What do you want to forget so much?!

- Today, it's been three years... If only I had arrived sooner... Hiro wouldn't be...

He bangs his fist on the wall.

- SHIT !!

I step back a little instinctively.

It... It's... Today...? The anniversary of his death...?

- Why ? Why is everyone abandoning me like this? Sensei, Hagi, Matsuda, Hiro, even Squad Leader... Why...?

All the people he mentioned... Are dead...?

Zero curls up on himself.

- Sorry for showing that side of me...

- ...It's okay...

How long has he kept everything to himself...? He makes me sad...

- You know, it's normal to show your emotions...

I approach my hand to him but he pushes it away a second time. I can't help but giggle. As he is at this moment, he looks like an injured cat which refuses help.

He's cute...

I pick up the first aid kit to treat him. He complains but lets me do it this time. After a few minutes, I finish treating his foot. Having been focused on my task, I hadn't noticed the silence.

I don't know what to  say now..

- Miika...

I raise my head to gaze into his.

- Promise me that you won't abandon me too...

As soon as he says those words, he widens his eyes -surely realizing he's spoken aloud- and places his hands over his mouth, looking away.

He begins to sober up and gradually regains control, huh...

-S-Sorry, forget what I just-

Before he could finish his sentence I take his hand in mine.

- I promise you, Rei.

He looks at me, surprised, but calms quickly and smiles at me. I can't help but smile back, seeing the most honest expression on his face I've ever seen since I know him.

If only he could be this honest all the time...

[HIATUS] The Scarlet Memories [Detective Conan OC] (English)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin