Chapter 12

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"Come down whenever you want, we have to talk."

Great, now I'm anxious... He is surely going to ask for intel I can't give even if I wanted to... But I may be able to ask thinks on my past...

That same past I was trying to avoid, yeah...

I feel that it won't be possible anyway. So the only thing left is to face it. I dry my hair the best I can and take the trail.

I'm not hungry, so I'll bring it back to not let it go to waste...

I walk to the door. I leave the room and take a look around in the corridor. It is as luxious as the living room I saw earlier. I chose to walk toward the left part of it, but only find a dead-end.

He could'he put a map with the other paper...

I walk the other way around until I find the stairs.

He told me to "come down", right?

I do as said and see ths entrance of the mansion. I remember the way to the living room.

He might be there.

Once there, he indeed is, steadily sit on a sofa. He seems to be reading a novel while holding a glass. There's a bottle of Bourbon on the table.

Is this what he's drinking ?

He smirks.

- You finally came...

He slowky puts his glass and book down on the litte table in front of him and wait for me ro sit. I choose the sofa just behind the table, to properly face him, and put the trail on said table.

- What did you want to talk about ?

He smiles, softly.

- You, that's all. Sorry for earlier. How are you feeling?

- ...A little better...

- Good.

He pauses for a moment.

- What do you remember?

I look away and stare at my hands.

So this is what he wanted to say...

- ...Nothing much... Not even my name... Is it the one you called me by?

- Indeed. Your first name is Miika, but I don't know your last name... Don't you really remember anything? You know my name and face though...

Ugh, why did I call him by his name?

- Well... the only other person I met is.. Bourbon... He told me your name when-

I pause as I remember Scotch's death.

- ...When?

- ..When I remembered Scotch's death...

My hands shake and I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Why do I...?

He sighs.

- Of all the things you could remember, it had to be this...

- You were there too, right? Bourbon said I killed him-

- Ha?

I raise my head and look at him. He looks surprised.

- You were there too, right?

- You don't remember killing him though, do you ?

- I don't, but-

- You didn't kill him.

- Why wouldn't I? He... He was an ennemy after all...

- Not yours.

- How do you kno-

- He was your brother.

[HIATUS] The Scarlet Memories [Detective Conan OC] (English)Where stories live. Discover now