Chapter 26

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I am in a gloomy place, but not in complete darkness. In front of me, I see a vertical strip of light. It is an ajar door. I hear a soft voice say :"It's okay now, you can go out." I put my hand on the door and try to push it open. It hardly moves, but creaks. I hear footsteps coming towards me. "So you were here..." The door opens, knocking down whatever was blocking it. It is the bloodied body of a woman. I want to vomit.

I suddenly wake up, slowly becoming aware of my surroundings. I'm back in Zero's car.

What...? What am I doing here...?

- Hey, you woke up...

Zero is out of the car but quickly sits down next to me and hands me a cup. According to the smell and the temperature, it contains hot chocolate.

- ...T-Thank you...

I hold my head.

- What are we doing here...?

- Ha?...don't you remember?

- No, sorry...

He looks at me.

- Do you at least remember me...?

- Y-Yes of course !

- What's the last thing you remember?

- You said you were going to open the door of the one we were waiting for to play tennis...

- Okay...Well, you followed me and once the door was unlocked, you were the one who opened it...

He looks away.

- And ? What happened?

- Something was blocking the door and when we realized that it was the corpse of the man we were looking for, you passed out...

- Oh... sorry...

He sweetly smiles at me.

- Don't apologize, it's not your fault.

I can't help but respond to his smile before staring at the cup.

- I guess before I became amnesiac, the sight of death didn't bother me...

- Well, you were... Different...

Before I can ask him for details, police cars arrive and park near us. Zero gets up.

- Stay there, I'll guide them to the crime scene.

I grab his sleeve.

- You... You'll come back quickly, right?

He puts his hand on my head and smiles at me.

- I will stay there until the case is closed. Don't worry, I plan to call you regularly if it drags on.

He gives me the keys to his car and his wallet before leaving.

- There is a market in the area, do not hesitate to go there if you are hungry!

Is that all you worry about? While there is a killer around?

[HIATUS] The Scarlet Memories [Detective Conan OC] (English)Where stories live. Discover now