Chapter 7

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I have to get out of here.

I stant, walk toward the door, close it and switch the lights off, before going to the window. I pull the curtains hoping to find a way outside. I don't have to search for a long time, as the latch is pretty obvious. I grab it and open the window slowly, making as little noise as I can. A slight breeze brushes my face as I look outside. It is dark but the moonlight allows me to see the surroundings. I step onto the balcony and approach the railing to gauge what's around and my distance to the ground. I am on the first floor of a small building.

It still looks high enough, can I really go down without hurting myself? ...Well, no pain no gain, right ?

I grab the rail before riding it. Without even thinking, I skip entirely to the other side, balance with my weight to fall slower and let go of the railing at the last moment. I land on the ground more softly and silently than I had thought.

There is at least one positive point in having lived as a criminal ...

Now in the garden of the neighbor, I quickly get on my feet and walk toward the wall separating me from the sidewalk. I cross it easily, as if I had done that all my life before losing my memories...

Here I am now wandering the streets of the Bourbon's City. I don't even know where. I try not to go around in circles, but residential neighborhoods all look alike.

Besides, I didn't even think about taking shoes or a coat ... What an idiot!

I continue to walk, until a car passes and stops a few meters from me. It is red with white transverse stripes. A man comes out and turns towards me. I ignore him and continue my way to I-don't-know-where.

- Excuse me, Miss...

I stop and stare at him. He looks as tall as Bourbon, his hair's color is somehow between red and brown. He wears glasses and displays a friendly smile.

- Are you okay ?

- Uh... Yeah, why?

He stares at me.

- Well... You are walking alone and without a coat although it is dark, you do not even wear shoes and your feet are bleeding, miss ... Are you sure everything is fine?

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