Chapter 5

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- Sco ... tch?

My head aches again and I hold it in my hands while closing my eyes. I have what feels like a memory flash. I see a man with long black hair. He has blood on his cheek. I also see Bourbon, looking furious. And I see this policeman, Hiromitsu, a bullet hole left in his chest. Bourbon seems to be checking his vital signs.


I wake up again, still in the same bed. Bourbon is here.

- Do you remember anything?

I sit up slowly, my head still hurting .

- Sort of... How do you know ...?

- I made sure that you receive information related to your past. So ?

I hold my head once more and point to the file on the table.

- I'm not sure... I think I remember the death of this man in the file.

- Scotch... What spoke to you the most? His face, maybe?

- This name. Scotch.

His brow furrows.

- What do you remember exactly?

- Well... I only remember his face, yours too, and someone else's...

Anger twists his face slightly. He looks like my memory.

- Akai Shûichi.

Hm?  I feel like I know that name...

- Anything else ?

- No, sorry...

- ...It's okay.

A heavy silence settles. I therefore decide to take the floor.

- Actually, the person who brought the file said that it was intended for a certain "Furuya".

His face becomes neutral again.

- Furuya ..?

- Yes. Any idea of who it could be?

- Y-Yes, it's the name of an secret police agent whose identity I have usurped in order to obtain this file ...

- Oh yes, that explains everything. But the report indicated that Scotch was a police officer. Is it true ?

He looks away.

- ... Yes. He infiltrated the organization under a false name and ... And we worked together for several years. Before he was discovered ...

- Sorry.

He turns to me, looking both surprised and serious.

- What are you apologizing for?

I start to fix the photo on the first sheet of the stack forming the file.

- Well, even if he was an enemy, you were surely close ... I'm sorry he died ... When did that happen?

- ... Three years ago.

- And ... how did he ...?

He stops and looks at me, hatred can be read in his blue irises.

- You killed him.

[HIATUS] The Scarlet Memories [Detective Conan OC] (English)Where stories live. Discover now