Chapter 23

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- ... ka ...

- ... i ... ka ...!

- Miika !!

I suddenly wake up, panting. I am back in Zero's room.

Back...? Where was I ...?

I don't remember what I dreamed of, but I have a feeling of déjà vu.

- How are you ?

I turn my head towards Zero. He is sitting on the bed, looking slightly worried. I take the time to catch my breath before answering.

- Yes, I think....

- Did... Did you just remember something...?

I put my left hand on my forehead.

- I... No, I don't remember anything more...

He looks away.

- Don't worry, the memories will come back...

He gets up and resumes.

- I prepared breakfast! Come when you are hungry ...

He then adds with a smile:

- And try not to disappear this time!

Now go hide, and don't make any noise this time!

Hiro-nii... These were the last words he said to me that day... What did he mean by "this time"?

I get up slowly and walk towards the kitchen.

As usual, it's delicious - despite the long silence.

I feel like he does not really know how to behave toward me anymore...

So I decide to start up a conversation.

- It's so good! Where did you learn to cook?

He pauses, visibly surprised at my question, then looks away.

- ...It was Hiro who taught me...

- Oh... Sorry...

- You can stop apologizing, you know... You did nothing wrong...


I continue to eat in silence, staring at my plate.

- Today I'm going to Izu. It's in Shizuoka prefecture... Do you want to come?

- What are you going to do there...?

- Well... You know I'm working as a café waiter, I guess. I chose this cover to approach a man named Kogoro Mouri, suspected of having had a link with Sherry, a former member of the organization... Anyway, we ended up finding Sherry but something intrigues me. This is the reason why I will continue to play the versatile waiter... An acquaintance of Mr. Mouri asked me to come to give them a tennis lesson...

- ...You have a lot of free time for an undercover agent...

He laughs lightly.

- This is not free time! My specialty is supposed to be information gathering, and for that I need to gain their trust...

I laugh in return.

- If you say so... When are we leaving?

[HIATUS] The Scarlet Memories [Detective Conan OC] (English)Where stories live. Discover now