Chapter 41

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Ran's friends stayed overnight at the agency. This morning, Ran and her decided to take them back to the train station, leaving me to look after the house. After an hour of waiting for them to return, I receive a call from Ran. They ended up following Inspector Otaki and she does not know when they will return...


- Sorry Yuna-chan...

- No... No problem! But I don't think I'll stay here alone...

- You can go back to your brother's home... You have the spare keys to close the agency anyway, don't you?

- Y-Yes, haha...

I hang up and sigh.

I'm not really going to be able to go back to Zero's, with Vermouth lurking around... Unless maybe I hide my face... No, that's not a good idea...

After spending the whole day considering, I finally decide to call Zero first to get his opinion on the matter.

He's... He's not answering?

I try to call a second time. The phone picks up but immediately hangs up.


I decide to send him a message.

Everything is fine ?
8:21 p.m.

Yzd do,eh worruy!
8:28 p.m.

8:28 p.m.

What the? Did he try to say "Yes don't worry"?

I end up making my decision. I get ready and leave the agency, locking the doors behind me. I walk towards Zero's neighborhood, paying a lot of attention to my surroundings. I don't notice anything strange and don't feel observed or followed on the road.

That's already a good sign...

Once arrived in front of Zero's door, I knock. No answer.

I'm in front of your door, are you there?
9:08 p.m.

Djfj zlkfdhyje
9:09 p.m.


9:09 p.m.

Is he somehow drunk?

I try to open the door, it's not locked...

Oh my god what happened here?

Everything is upside down. The table is reversed and what was on it is scattered on the floor. As I approach, I can see between reversed chairs and other debris the remains of several large scotch bottles.

Did he drink that?

Not a lot of liquid flowed on the ground.

And he drank it all?!

I close the door tightly before taking off my shoes and entering the apartment.

Where is Zero?

I look towards his room. From here I can see that the door is open, but the light is off. I walk forward, careful not to step on the bits of glass. Some are stained with blood, the smudge lead to his room.

- Z...Zero...? You are there...?

As I approach the room, I hear a faint voice answer me.

- What are you doing here? I told you to leave...

Oh... is that what his message meant...?

I arrive in the room. Zero is sitting against the wall, right next to the door. His head is hidden by his arms crossed over his knees. His left foot is bleeding.

- I-I'm going to get the first aid kit!

[HIATUS] The Scarlet Memories [Detective Conan OC] (English)Where stories live. Discover now