Chapter 33

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I turn to Ran and the others. They seem surprised but only a little.

Is this supposed to be normal ?

Captivated by the view, they don't even notice me. I turn back to the aquarium.

- The diamond with its golden chain is stuck on the turtle's back...

- And there's jewelry stuck on its belly too...

Sonoko turns to her uncle.

- You were trying to display this 10 cm long decorated turtle in the Bell Tree Express?

- Exactly! The aquarium's made from toughened glass. The back is a concrete wall that's two meters thick!

How rich is that man...? The diamond protection device could cost more than the jewel itself...

- The top and the sides are a metal mesh made from a special alloy, and on top of that, his prey swims freely in the water... So even the so-called moonlight magician shouldn't be able to steal this one !

Sera comes forward.

- Seems like pretty poor taste to me...

The uncle turns to us, looking a little more serious.

- Actually, there's a story behind the turtle. I trust you've heard about the great Italian actress who died in an accident at sea about half a year ago... It is said that this is the turtle called Poseidon that she kept as a pet! The owner of the blush mermaid was her after all.

Ran speaks.

- But why would she put the jewel on her pet ?

- The story goes that she desperately stuck the jewels onto the turtle with glue just before the ship sank, in hope that the turtle alone would be saved and taken in by somebody! The jewels were both for breeding and a sign of gratitude... The local fishermen found it floating in the water along with the tank, and it then found its way into my hands!

Sonoko seems skeptical.

- Have you at least had the jewel appraised?

- I tried but the expert was bitten by the turtle... Well, we'll see when it molts in a few months...

And he couldn't have waited for his exhibition?


A man in the room shouts through a megaphone.


- That man...

- Who is it...?

Sera finishes my sentence as we watch him chase away the onlookers.

- It's Inspector Nakamori, from police Division 2. He is responsible for all Kid-related matters.

Sera seems to be getting more and more interested.

- I see. So this man is-

The famous inspector having approached, pinched our cheeks - Sera and me.


- Did you hear me, kids?! Those who have no business here get out!

- You are wrong, Inspector Nakamori!

He releases his grip as we turn to Ran and Sonoko.

- Sera-san is in high school with us, and Amuro-chan is a friend of my father!

Uh... Well no actually... I don't even know your father...

Sera stops them.

- Don't worry, he couldn't have known! You pinched my cheek to check if I was not Kid in disguise... Right?!

I take a step back. The young detective has just accompanied her last word with a well-placed knee strike between the inspector's legs. She then pinches his cheek as he writhes in pain.

- I guess you're not wearing a mask either!

Note to self: do NEVER upset Sera.

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