Additionally, this servant was unable to recognize Draco as king. 

"I don't believe I allowed you to enter my study yet." Draco's words were heavy with annoyance.

The servant gave a haughty smirk towards Draco and continued to speak. "We understand that you handle the King's schedule, his secretary of sorts. We are the emissaries of Bierze."

He truly believed that his social standing was higher than Draco's. He also failed to realize that Aris and Castor had started to pull at their swords. 

Tomin's greasy voice sounded. "Sir Draco, I come bearing the invitation—"

Draco's red eyes bore into Tomin, stopping his words. "I didn't allow you to speak." Draco's voice was intimidatingly low.

"Sir, I just wish to deliver my King's invitation to his ascension ceremony. He hopes Rucrea's King will attend."

Draco clicked his tongue. "Throw it on the table. We'll see if we can spare your king the time."

"Sir, this is—"

"Please see your way out, Guard Lamariel," Draco interjected again.

Tomin saw red when he was addressed as 'Guard Lamariel.' He turned on his heel with a sneer. But he stopped suddenly. "I do have a question for Rucrea's leaders. Has Lord Oliver Kardos entered your lands?"

The atmosphere turned chilly. "Why would he enter my lands?"

"We visited Wynter before coming here. He seems to be absent, and the soldiers claim he is on an expedition hunting Ravagers."

Draco was silent for a moment. "Then it seems he is hunting Ravagers ."

"I see. It's just... He is quick to anger and unusually violent. He tends to act rashly and offends others easily. Still, my King cares for his safety. He hopes Lord Oliver doesn't bring you trouble in Rucrea."

"Why would the young Belelot care for a fiance he discarded?" Draco asked.

"Discarded? You're mistaken, Sir Draco. My King wanted to teach him a lesson in humility. Their reconciliation is inevitable, and Lord Oliver will become Bierze's Royal Consort."

A loud bang was heard from Draco's desk, causing the men to jump.

Before Tomin could inquire, he was frozen by Draco's terrible glare. "Perhaps you should confirm the thoughts of Lord Oliver before declaring such a thing."

"A simple command from our King will make it so. That is the luxury of power." Tomin's voice trembled, but it was obvious that he believed these words.

"Piers Belelot would force a marriage simply because he is King? What a pathetic King." Aris said coldly.

"How dare you!" Tomin yelled.

Draco growled when he saw Tomin's hand on his hilt.  "Take out that sword, and I will gift your severed head to your petty king."

"You threaten a messenger?"

Draco stood, walked around the desk, and picked up the invitation with disinterest. "Why should I worry about some little guard with a big mouth and bigger ego?"

"You go too far!"

Draco tossed the invitation back down and glowered. "Leave Rucrea now."

Tomin turned with a huff and took off.  The servant quickly ran after him with a pale face. Aris closed the door after them, and they all turned towards the desk.

Oliver was repetitively knocking his head against the desk in frustration. A long thread of curses accompanied the light thuds. 

"Maybe you shouldn't go back," Draco said gently.

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