The Truth About the Lepus

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   Legosi, Haru, Fudge, Pina, Aoba, Bill, Louis, Pina and even Dolph were absolutely horrified. None of them could say anything. It was so much to take in, but it seemed all too familiar in their current situation. What if it was indeed happening? Was history repeating itself once more, only with a more violent approach?

   Sameer felt lifeless after dumping that horrific exposition. He couldn't imagine how horrible it must've been for them. Even his own kind were stripped of their rights under Heinrich's dictatorship. Anyone not classified as an herbivore was less than zero in that psycho's eyes. It's clear that his influence hadn't died out with his public hanging in '43. Unfortunately, Heinrich had published a 752-page manifesto in 1932 entitled Utopia As Seen Fit. Millions had read it, even after the Second War. Several countries that looked down upon carnivores with at least some hostility allowed the book to be sold. Sadly, Japan was one of them. And someone must've taken that book to heart.

   "That's...." Bill couldn't even finish his sentence. It was so horrific having that knowledge that he had to excuse himself. He made his way upstairs, into his bedroom, where he sat across from the mirror. Who are you, Bill? Are you a monster? Have ever thought about that, Bill!? Killing anyone? Eating their flesh til there's nothing left!? Flesh, blood, bone, marrow, horns, everything!? RIPPED THEM TO FUCKING PIECES!?? Bill belittled himself silently. His angry furrowed brow turned to sadness as he remembered. The rabbit blood. It set Legosi off and he punched me. I deserved it. I fucking deserved it! I was the monster! Oh, dear God! I AM a monster!! HOW COULD I!?? Bill curled into a fetal position on his bed, clutching his pillow tightly. "What have I done?" he sobbed uncontrollably for 3 minutes.

   Through his misery, Bill began thinking of those who forgave him, Els specifically. It was all in the past and he had maintained his friendships with even those he butted heads with. Legosi, Aoba, Fudge, and Pina were all here with him. They had all gotten angry or disappointed in him for his decisions, but they still maintained their friendships with him. He stood up and sniffled. He wasn't a monster to them, at least not now. They needed him more than ever. Bill went to the bathroom and washed his face. He looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled a bit. "You goddamn pussy." he chuckled. After washing his face again and drying off, he went back downstairs to join the others.


   The warehouse door opened after the coded three short honks. In backed a 20-foot long landscape trailer. As soon as it stopped, the skinning rabbits started tossing the various carcasses they had dressed out in. The trailer wasn't big enough to hall all the bodies away in one trip however. The Isuzu truck pulling it had to make multiple trips, due to the heavy loads. By the time 10 PM rolled around, at least 247 various carnivores were skinned, eviscerated, dressed out, and their meat shrink-wrapped. The meat was placed in the appropriate titled walk-in coolers.

   Meanwhile, in the dome-shaped structure of the warehouse, the mastermind sat in front of three monitors. There were zero lights. The only light was from the monitors themselves and of course, his artificial eyes. The one on the left was of ZBS News, for whenever one of his "victories" made headlines. The one on the right was security footage from the front door of the warehouse. The one in the center was a solid blue inactive screen. For now, he was reading Utopia As Seen Fit. It was eye-opening and pleasureful to feel power through the words of Heinrich. It fueled the evil inside of him and he loved it. 

   The blue screen on the center monitor suddenly turned to a selfie video-feed of two of his well-dressed rabbits. The mastermind set his book aside as and scooted his chair up a bit. 

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