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   Legosi and Haru retreated to their room on the second floor, just as everyone else had. After changing into his sleepwear, Legosi sat on the bed with his legs crisscrossed, browsing social media on his phone. Haru paced around the room, eventually stopping to part the curtains of the window. The rain battered hard against the glass. Legosi just watched her with weary eyes. His wife seemed on edge about something. This was further evidenced when Haru's ears drooped slightly.

   "Haru?" Legosi said softly. She didn't move or respond. "What's the matter?" he asked. Haru crossed her arms and turned to look at her husband. "He's right." she replied sadly. Legosi uncrossed his legs and scooted to the edge of the bed. Before he could ask, she answered for him. "But I just can't stand her!" Haru yelled. Legosi swallowed. "I know." he said simply. Haru sighed deeply. "I mean....." she said. Legosi nodded. Haru then abruptly left the room. Legosi stood. "Where are you going?" he asked.

   Haru went straight to the room where Pina, Sameer, and Fudge were staying. She knocked lightly on the door. "Come in." she heard Fudge say. She enter to see Pina in bed dozing off, Sameer rolling up his prayer mat, and Fudge reading an old magazine on his bed. She approached Sameer, who looked up to face her. "Is something wrong?" he asked. Haru wrapped her arms around the cobra's neck in a hug. Sameer was a bit stunned at first. 

   "I'm sorry." she whimpered. Sameer's heart melted as he realized why Haru did it. "Aw. Hey. It's okay." He returned the hug with a few coils around her body. "It' hard." she muttered. Sameer nuzzled the crook of her neck a bit. "I know how it feels." the cobra replied. Pina opened his eyes to see his boyfriend embracing her. "Haru? Is everything okay?" he asked, sitting up in the bed. Haru and Sameer broke their embrace. "I'm fine. I just.....wanted to apologize." Haru answered, scratching between her ears. Pina sat on the edge of the bed. "For what?" he asked curiously. Haru curled her lip a bit. "Mizuchi?" Fudge asked, still reading the magazine. Haru nodded. "Yeah." Fudge glanced up and smirked. 

   "If I had a nickel." he chuckled. Haru crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. "Hey! You weren't the one getting a bucket of water tossed on you and your plants destroyed at random times!" she snapped a bit. Sameer slithered in front of her. "Hey, hey. Take it easy, Haru. You came in here to apologize, yes?" he said to calm her. His charm seemed to work and Haru's attitude softened. She took a deep inhale then exhaled slowly. "Just calm down. We get it. You're having mixed feelings right now." Sameer assured, patting her back with his tail. 

   The bedroom door opened and Legosi entered. "Haru?" he said softly. Everyone turned to see the wolf standing there. "Fudge is right, Haru. You're kicking a dead horse....not literally.....but you get the point. You're not at Cherryton anymore." Pina said, laying back in bed. "Besides, you've got your handsome husband to worry about." the Dall sheep added. Legosi's heart jumped. "Hey!" he exclaimed. Pina and Sameer chuckled. "Oh, take it as a compliment, Legosi." Pina added as he flirtatiously touched his cheek with his hand. Legosi rolled his eyes.

   "Goodnight, guys." Legosi said as he exited and shut the door behind him. He collapsed onto the bed, waiting for Haru to come back. Legosi wasn't too worried. Maybe she and Pina were talking about their times at the Cherryton drama club. Boy, the laughs she would get out of those. 

   For now, he meditated on the heavy raindrops that battered the glass window. It wasn't deafening, but loud nonetheless. 

   After a couple of minutes, Legosi heard a door slam shut downstairs. His heart jumped and he sat up quickly. The only one down there would be Dolph. Did he leave? 

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