Studying, Stimulation, & Sedation

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   Melon sat on his prison bed, pillow behind his back, and feet crisscrossed. An open book sat on his lap, entitled The Real Us & The Masks That Hide It. He was reading a psychology text from 1957, written by a Second War vet turned psychologist. The book was about everyday thoughts and excitements that the author claimed crossed every animal's mind at some point in their lives. All Melon did in prison was read his books. The only other form of entertainment he was allowed was TV during cafeteria hours. Usually, it was either the news or a game show. Melon had several books with him, but The Real Us & The Masks That Hide It in particular got him through.

   The hybrid turned to page 80 when he heard the sounds of choking and violent struggling nearby. Melon was expecting it to happen any minute, so it didn't surprise him a bit. After about 15 seconds, the sounds stopped. Melon paused his reading and looked up. "Hanging in there, Len?" he asked before continuing reading. 

   The sounds came from Len the honey badger's cell, next door. He was now hanging dead by his own bed sheets, which were tied to his prison bars. Len had a wide grin on his face with his nostrils oozing mucus and his eyes bloodshot. Melon smirked when he didn't get a response. "Thought so." he muttered.


   "So, where exactly are we going?" asked Louis. Noc turned left at a roundabout. "I hate to disappoint our snake friend, but I'm not legally allowed to search Lester's house without a warrant." the stork answered. "However.....that doesn't mean we can't WATCH him." Noc added. Louis raised his brow. "For how long?" he asked. Noc looked over at the red deer. "As long as it takes." he answered. Louis scoffed. "Welcome to your first stakeout." Noc chuckled. Louis rolled his eyes.

   "So, what? We just wait at his house until he's out in the open and then confront him?" he asked. Noc shook his head. "No. His house is secluded in the countryside with not much thru traffic. We'd stick out like a sore thumb if we followed him. He's a very secretive individual, Louis. Keeps a low profile. He seems to have been that way since joining the facility." Noc addressed as he crossed a bridge. Louis scratched the base of his antlers. They were getting very itchy. 

   "Ah shit." he muttered. Noc looked over. "Are you about to shed?" he asked. Louis curled his lip and gritted his teeth as he scratched. "Ehhh....maybe? I mean.....I wouldn't be surprised." Louis answered. Noc continuously glanced at him and the road ahead. "If you need me to pull over, I can." Noc offered. Louis shook his head. "Keep going. They aren't really that loose." he said. Noc nodded as he kept driving. Louis stopped scratching and looked down at his fingertips. They had a bit of blood on them. Still, they seemed to have a way's to go before they'd fall off. 

   "Wait a minute! Aren't we forgetting something?" Noc blurted out. Louis raised an eyebrow, but instantly remembered. "Yeah. Kyuu!" As soon as Louis said that, Noc slammed on the brakes, screeching the car to a halt. But as Noc braked, Louis was thrown forward instantly. His antlers hit the dashboard and broke from his skull with ease. When Louis sat back up, he saw his antlers in his lap. Blood poured all over his face and his shirt. He didn't freak out or was embarrassed. Louis just wasn't expecting it to happen right at this moment. It was only after making the full U-turn that Noc realized what had happened. He gasped.

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