The Voice of the Devil

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   Dolph ran two yellow lights without slowing down, pushing 45 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. Louis and Bill were biting their lips, praying Juno was okay. Bill was afraid if he called her, it would give her and Sheila's position away to their assailants. Dolph turned a hard right down another street. The tires screeched as he skidded a bit. It thankfully didn't result in a wreck or hitting any pedestrians. 


   Juno hurried to her car and grabbed her phone to dial the police. "110. What's your emergency?" a female operator asked. "Hi! I'm at the Sunset Apartments in the parking garage! My friend and I have been attacked by two rabbits! I....I killed both of them. They were going to kill us! Sheila's got a knife stuck in her leg, but I'm afraid to remove it. Please send someone over!" Juno exclaimed. "Yes, ma'am. Don't remove the knife. We'll send an ambulance to take care of her. Can I get your name?" the operator asked. "My name is Juno. I'm a grey wolf." she answered. "You said that you killed the two rabbits?" the operator asked suspiciously. "Yes. I ran into them with my car and....." Juno was cut off by a muffled voice, nearby. She looked around her, but saw nobody. 

   "Ma'am?" the operator called out. "There's someone else here." Juno whispered. She heard the voice again and realized it was coming from the car the android rabbits were snooping in. Juno raised her tire iron in the air and approached the car slowly. "Who's there?!" she shouted. "Ma'am, I would advise you stay by your vehicle until the police arrive." the operator suggested. Juno ignored her and opened the passenger door of the car. She heard the voice loud and clear. It was coming from a car HAM radio. "Dome HQ to Numbers 42 and 43. Are you receiving me?" the deep, robotic voice called. Juno's eyes went wide.

   "Oh my God! Operator, is this call being recorded?! Please tell me it is!" Juno exclaimed. "Yes ma'am. All of our calls are recorded. What's the matter?" the operator asked. "Listen! I think it's their boss!" Juno put her phone on speaker and placed it close to the radio. "Numbers 42 and 43. Do you read me? Did you kill her?" the voice called out. Juno began trembling. He was talking about her. 

   "Did you hear that!?" Juno whimpered. "Yes, ma'am, I did. I'll notify them. Just stay calm. Police will be there shortly." the operator assured. Juno clutched her face with her hand. "Okay. I'll be waiting." she said, hanging up the phone. "Oh, for crying out loud! This is Dome HQ calling Numbers 42 and 43! Did you get the wolf!?" the voice shouted angrily. Juno went from frightened to angry in a split second. She was pissed. She sat in the driver's seat of the car and picked up the mic. Before pressing down on the talk button, Juno opened the recording app on her phone and hit REC.

   "Guess again, asshole." Juno said coldly. Before the mastermind could get a word in inch-wise to respond, Juno lost it. "I crushed your stupid little robots and they're laying on the ground right now. I'll be sure and snap a picture to show you when the police find out who you are and lock your sorry ass up behind bars! You wanna send your little minions out to do your dirty work? Or.....why don't you just show yourself and face those you want dead, you fucking chickenhawk?!" Juno ranted. There was a short pause. 

   The mastermind chuckled in amusement. Juno listened in anticipation for a response. And when she got it, it was far more than she bargained for.

   "Enjoy your little victory, you filthy mutt. You've earned it. And as far as my robots, don't worry. I've still got 148 left, but thank you for your concern. Might I suggest you watch your back wherever you walk, from now on? Who knows? Sooner or later, I might be watching with pleasure as your corpse gets dressed out the same way your kind dresses out us herbivores in your bloodthirsty frenzies. You will ALL pay for what you did to us and especially me. I will be looked upon as a hero in the years to come. Just you wait! I will be the Messiah of the herbivores and you? You will be nothing but a pile of bones, 10 feet underground in a mass grave, somewhere in the woods where you will be forgotten and trampled over by the future generations who will think of you as merely a legend. That's what I will make out of all you carnivores: legends. You will be a figment of our children's imaginations, make-believe, unable to hurt any herbivore again. You will be wiped off of the face of the earth, as you should've been over 80 years ago! I will finish what was started and I will devour all of those who have devoured the world of peace and prosperity. You are no exception. Your reign of violence and destruction upon our kind is over. Spread it to your friends and family. You will" the mastermind finished his monologue through the radio. His distorted robotic voice was terrifying to her ears.

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