The Hearing

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COURTHOUSE, 8:57 AM.....

   The Cherryton grads, Noc, and Dolph all sat in the court room, awaiting the judge. Every single one of them was anxious to hear what Melon had to say. Arthur was sitting next to Mizuchi in the front row, between Bill and Juno. He had decided to accompany her, since he felt responsible for being her place to stay. Sameer and Pina held hand and tail together, the former nervous beyond belief. 

   "All rise." the bailiff announced. Everyone stood as Judge Keiji the American bison walked in. He sat upon the bench as everyone sat back down. "Where is the plaintiff?" he asked. He got his answer before the bailiff could even say.

  The doors to the courtroom opened. Four armed guards with pump-action shotguns formed a square around a dolly, being pushed by two gazelles. On that dolly was Melon, cuffed by his wrists and feet, and restrained by four large straps. He was wearing a black suit, purple dress shirt and a red tie. His muzzle was covered by a mask made of metal with a breathing hole covered in mesh. Haig was accompanying them. Melon was wheeled down the walkway towards the plaintiff stand. He stared Sameer down without blinking. Sameer stared back, but broke eye contact when Melon winked at him. 

   "Your Honor, we apologize. There's a situation outside the courthouse." Haig spoke. Keiji raised an eyebrow. "What kind of situation?" he replied. Before Haig could reply Melon interrupted. "Prey supremacists. The disciples of those who I aim to speak about want our blood. He knows. I can't exactly say how, but news travels quicker than wheels apparently." Melon said as he was wheeled into the plaintiff stand. Keiji motioned his bailiff over and whispered something in his ear. The bailiff nodded. 

   "Melon, you have been brought by your own request to testify and turn over information of one 'Zen'. He has taken credit for the disappearances and killings of carnivore families in the name of an ideology. Should your testimony prove useful information into finding the perpetrators of these atrocities, the court will consider a reward of parole and gratitude from the state." Keiji said. Legosi clenched his fist. He really did not want Melon to roam free again. God only knew what he would do. "If not, your current 12 consecutive life sentences will continue. Do you understand these terms?" Judge Keiji asked. Melon nodded his head. "I do, Your Honor." he agreed. Keiji nodded. 

   "I don't want to waste any time answering individual questions throughout, Your Honor. Let me take the stand now and I'll spill the beans." Melon stared at the bison with intensity. Keiji sat up straight. "Very well. Melon will the stand." Two of the armed guards as well as the gazelles lifted Melon and the dolly up onto the stand. Melon stared at Sameer and then at Legosi. Mizuchi crossed her arms as his eyes found her. She wanted to flip him off, but that would likely get her arrested for disruption. "Melon, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" the judge asked. "I do." Melon said. 

   "May I have a sip of water, please?" he asked. The two gazelles leaned the dolly back a bit and one of the armed guards poured the cup of water into the breathing hole. "Thank you." Melon said after swallowing. The dolly was set upright and like a tree and he stood there alone. 

   "I suppose I'll start from the beginning." Melon cleared his throat. "Two weeks before Legosi and detective Yafya interfered in my little ivory dealings, I had an appointment with Lester. He had originally scheduled three of them over the course of the week, but he only saw me for the first. He had to cancel the second one and I never heard back from him about the third. He had told me some....damning secrets." Melon confessed. "What kind of secrets?" Keiji asked. Melon raised his eyebrows. "As most should know by now, the androids were built from parts manufactured by the Japanese military to lessen soldier casualties on the battlefield. The ones that have been terrorizing the city are unauthorized and less developed. He was forced to make them illegally in large quantities by order of the one you call 'Zen'." Melon continued. 

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