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   Louis spit his tea in the middle of taking a sip. "Melon!?" he exclaimed. Everyone looked at Legosi with puzzlement, except for Sameer. "Who's that?" he asked curiously. Legosi put a finger to his lip at Sameer. "Oh. Am I on speakerphone? Hello, Legosi's friends! My name is Melon and I do sincerely hope that all of you are staying safe from the ethnic cleansing taking place. Oh, Haru? Are you there, too? I almost forgot to say congratulations to you and Legosi! Sorry I missed the wedding. I do hope you enjoyed the delicious creamy carrot dish Legosi must've served you on your romantic getaway honeymoon. Am I wrong?" Melon taunted, chuckling with delight. Haru frowned in disgust and shook her head. Legosi growled and took him off speaker phone. 

   "Okay, Melon. How did you get this number and what do you want?!" Legosi demanded. "Put me back on speaker, Legosi. I wasn't done talking to all of you. Your friends wouldn't want to miss what I'm about to say. Trust me." Legosi looked around at everyone and sighed. "Fine. Here. You're on speaker again. Now spill it!" he said, activating speaker. Everyone listened carefully. "Y'all have questions and I have answers. That is all. Take me off speaker, Legosi." Melon said bluntly. Legosi seemed a bit confused that was all than Melon wanted the others to hear. Was this some kind of game? He took Melon off speaker once again. 

   "What do you want, Melon? Don't waste my time on taunts or I'm hanging up right now." Legosi snapped, gritting his dentures. "Zebuth Detention House at 12 PM, no later. Bring a friend if you want. Do it if you wanna save the carnivore order. Ta-ta, kiss-kiss." Melon then hung up abruptly. Legosi heard his phone beep, meaning the call ended. He looked beyond confused. How did Melon get his number? Why did he call him in particular? Why did he want to talk in person? 

   "What did he say?" Haru asked. Legosi looked puzzled as hell. "He wants to meet me in person." he replied. "Don't do it, Legosi. Not after all he's put us through!" Haru protested. "Yeah. I wouldn't." Louis agreed. "Now, hold on! Everybody but Sameer keep your pants on and let's think for a second. If Melon does have info, I think we should take it. What's the point in looking into all of this if we're not gonna be open-minded?" Fudge addressed. "Fudge, I don't know if you know this, but Melon is an absolute psychopath. He's a murderer and a sadomasochist." Louis said. "And he shot Legosi!" Haru added. Legosi sighed as she said that. "But he's also a former psychiatrist, who knows a thing or two about the mind. So there's that." he said back. The group broke out into a heated debate, all of their conversations overlapping each other. The only one who wasn't involved was Sameer, who sat their awkwardly. The cobra curled his lip and tongue to form a tight airway in his mouth. With one quick exhale, he whistled loudly. 

   "Okay. I don't know who this Melon guy is, but I say we hear him out! Sure. If he's a psycho killer, of course that's inexcusable. But a psychiatrist? He definitely has something he wants to say!" Sameer addressed. "Or he wants us to get killed as part of his sick joy." Haru blurted out. "Would you shut up, little bun-bun? He's really sexy when he monologues." Pina said bluntly. A few chuckles around the room could be heard, including from Haru. She held up her hands in defeat with a smirk that she tried to force away. "Thank you. Go on, sweetheart. We're listening." Pina winked. Sameer grinned.

   "Anyways, since Melon went through the trouble to get Legosi's number, call him, and ask to meet him in jail, there must be some good reason. Again, I don't know Melon, but I'm willing to take whatever he has to say with a grain of salt at this point. Serial killers maybe insane, but they're not stupid. And if a serial killer like Melon has a degree in psychology, he's definitely not stupid! Do you know how smart you would have to be to get a degree in psychology? Very smart! Melon could tell us in detail what it is that motivates someone, like this prey supremacist we seek, to lower themselves to the ugliest levels in our animal nature, so low that we urge to covet, seek, kill, and destroy those who we hate! Maybe Melon has his own reasons for wanting to help us and we might not be on the same page as him on those reasons, but goddamn it! If what he says helps us get any closer to finding this sick bastard, I'll be all ears for it! I am saddened to see all of us cowering in fear at this monster who has driven us into sanctuary here. He wants us afraid! He loves us afraid! He enjoys us afraid! He made that clear with Juno and I don't want her or any of us to give him what he wants. I want him behind bars NOW!! It's time we put our differences aside and take all the help we can get at this point. We have no choice. So.....I speak on behalf of all of us when I say this: Legosi, go see Melon." Sameer finished, breathing heavily.

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