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COFFEE SHOP, 9:33 AM.....

   Louis, Noc, and Kyuu had been sitting at a table since the coffee shop opened at 7. Now, they were having breakfast and coffee while casually observing the patrons. So far, no tortoise had come in. Noc was eating a sesame bagel. Louis and Kyuu both had cherry turnovers. The place was moderately busy. 

   Kuki the green conure, who was the morning cashier, had been made aware of the situation and offered to help. It was a good thing she did. After nearly two-and-a-half caffeine-induced hours of waiting, she saw him approaching from outside. 

   "Detective?" she whisper-yelled out the side of her beak. Noc turned his head around to acknowledge the conure. She widened her eyes and glanced over to the door. Noc turned back to Louis and Kyuu who were almost done with their turnovers. "He's here." he whispered. The deer and the rabbit were now on alert. Louis looked over Lester's shoulder to see a nervous gopher tortoise walk in and wait in line. He was carrying a briefcase and was wearing thick-rimmed glasses. His eyes looked like he hadn't slept for days straight.

   "Act cool. Let him put in his order first, then we go talk to him." Noc ordered. Louis nodded. Kyuu leaned in. "What if he's armed?" she asked. Noc looked at Louis with concern. "I trust you have your sidearm?" he asked. "Always." Louis responded. "I've got my blades." Kyuu added. Noc glanced over his shoulder. It was Lester's turn to order. "Let's get in line." the stork said. The three stood and casually got in the waiting line.

   "Hi....hi there....um....uhh....can I get an espresso, please?" Lester stuttered as he darted his eyes everywhere other than Kuki. He set his briefcase on the counter to retrieve his wallet. After all, he wasn't wearing any clothes and therefore had no pockets. Kuki nodded. "Absolutely. For here or to-go?" she asked. "Um....uh..." he stuttered, before a voice from behind him spoke.

    "How about for here?" Noc said. Lester turned around. He immediately recognized the saddlebill stork, standing in line behind him. Louis and Kyuu stared the tortoise down with intimidation. Lester's heart skipped a beat as Noc showed his badge. 

   "Morning, Lester. Name's Noc. I'm a private investigator." he introduced himself. After putting away his badge, Lester opened his briefcase. Before Noc could say anything else, he was met with a Colt New Service 45 LC pointed in his face.

   "GET THE FUCK BACK!!" Lester yelled at the top of his lungs. Noc and Louis quickly drew their pistols, while Kyuu pulled two fixed-bladed knives from her lop ears. She held them in attack position and crouched. Several patrons screamed in terror and took cover. Two of them ran out the door. Kuki hid behind the counter.

   "Lester, don't be an idiot!!" Noc yelled. "SHUT UP!!" Lester exclaimed. He furrowed his brow as he eyed the three down the barrel of his pistol. He stepped to the side a bit, towards the other side of the coffee shop. Now, he and the others were opposite each other.

   "Okay. Here's what's gonna happen: I'm going to take my coffee, walk back to my car, and you three are going to forget I was even here. You understand me!?" the tortoise threatened. "That's not gonna happen." Kuki said from his right. He looked over to see her with a S&W 6906 9mm aimed at him. The conure was a concealed carrier herself. Lester's eyes went wider and he shook his head. "You idiots!! Do you even know what you're getting yourselves into!?" Lester yelled at the four. Louis frowned. "We're already in it, in case you haven't noticed. AND GUESS WHOSE FAULT IT IS!!" Louis exclaimed. Lester's angry eyes softened. "Who did you build the androids for, Lester!?" Noc asked. "And who killed Yoshi!?" Kyuu demanded, crouched and ready to pounce. 

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