Breakfast With a Psychopath

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Hey, y'all. Couple of heads up. 


And also, no cultural appropriation. I've been granted permission by a friend to use it. You'll know what I mean when you read it.

Alright. Enjoy the chapter, y'all!

   9:02 AM MONDAY MORNING.....

   The Toyota Land Cruiser pulled into the driveway of Mizuchi's house. Dolph noticed the front glass door shattered. The harlequin rabbit exited the front passenger seat with a bathrobe as her only clothing. Legosi and Sameer had been riding in the back seat, the former exiting the car to accompany Mizuchi. The wolf and the cobra didn't speak much to her that morning. They knew exactly what she was getting herself into by joining them. They just hoped that she would control herself once Melon probed her. 

   Legosi noticed the shattered glass all over the ground. He picked Mizuchi up so she wouldn't cut her bare feet. Carefully, he passed through the shattered door. He glanced right and was greeted to the sight of a dead body. His eyes went wide. It was Riley. Mizuchi also noticed, but Legosi quickly covered her eyes with his hand. "Don't look at her." he said softly. Mizuchi didn't argue, since she didn't wanna look anyways. "Where's your room?" Legosi asked. "Upstairs, first door on the left." she whimpered. Legosi walked up the stairs, still lit by the overhead lights. 

   He set Mizuchi down on the carpeted floor, right in front of her room. The harlequin walked in and closed the door. Legosi sat down at the top of the stairs, checking social media. He saw on Roaragram that the mayor of Zebuth was giving a statement on the recent events. He advised carnivores to travel in groups of threes and suggested conceal-and-carry licensed citizens to carry their sidearms if possible. 

   Legosi scrolled down and saw that his former roommates Miguno, Collot, and Durham had posted that they have evacuated the city for their own safeties. He scrolled some more. One of his favorite ZooTubers who handled insects and arachnids was in the United States, searching for the giant vinegaroon. 

   After about five minutes, Mizuchi exited her room carrying her wallet, a small bag of clothes, and her phone. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a black turtleneck, navy blue tennis shoes, and a canvas web belt. Legosi stood up. "Ready?" he asked. Mizuchi nodded and sighed. "Tanya's still out there. My window was open." she smirked a bit. Legosi nodded. "She's probably laying low." he said simply. The two walked down the stairs. Before they could walk out the shattered door, Mizuchi turned left into the living room. Legosi stopped and watched the harlequin rabbit kneel down to her dead friend. Mizuchi stroked Riley's head gently. Her cloudy, dead eyes were half open. Mizuchi wanted to tear up and cry, but she resisted. Legosi approached slowly and knelt beside her, gently touching her shoulder. 

   "Why did she have to follow me downstairs? I should've gotten them out when I had the chance." she whimpered, trying not to cry. Legosi wrapped his arm around Mizuchi in a comforting manner. She leaned into him. "You couldn't have known. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Legosi said softly. Mizuchi stood and he did as well. "She needs to be laid to rest." she said. Legosi nodded. 

   "We'll tell the prison. They'll send someone over." he said. "You should also make a statement while we're there. Tell them what happened." Legosi added. Mizuchi looked up at the wolf. "Why are you being nice to me?" she asked. Legosi shrugged. "Because you're letting me?" Mizuchi smiled a bit. She looked at Riley at her smile vanished as she was reminded of what happened last night. She knelt back down and kissed Riley's forehead. "I'm sorry." she bid farewell to her deceased friend, shutting her eyes and stroking her head. Mizuchi stood up. "Let's go." she said simply. The two walked through the shattered glass door.

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