Who? What? When? Where? Why?

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   THE MANSION......

   Pina was backstroking across the pool with his eyes closed when his peace was interrupted abruptly. "Pina! We've had a breakthrough!" Bill exclaimed through the backdoor. Pina opened one eye. "That's nice. Wanna tell me later? I'm kinda relaxed now." the sheep replied. Bill shrugged. "Okay." Bill said until Aoba burst out. "No. We're telling him whether he likes it or not." Aoba scolded Bill before approaching the pool. 

   "Pina, someone working for the military is building these androids! Now get your ass out! Sameer and the others are on their way." Aoba shouted. Pina stood upright in the deep 8 ft section of the pool, treading water. "No. Tell Sameer to join me when he get back. I'm lonely." Pina smiled seductively. Aoba rolled his eyes and turned around. "Oh, for God's sake. Just get out whenever, horny boy. I'm not your mom." he grumbled as he walked back into the mansion. Pina snickered before taking a deep breath and sinking below the surface.

   Aoba retrieved the TV remote and plopped down on the sofa, next to Juno. Bill was pacing back and forth and Dolph was adding ice to his scotch. Fudge went to the bathroom. Aoba looked over at Juno, who was clearly depressed about the predicament they were in. He put his hand on her shoulder. 

   "Juno, don't let him get to your head. He's just a big bully who wants you afraid. Don't give him what he wants." Juno looked at him with hopeless eyes. "Too late." she muttered. Aoba gave her a couple of pats before he turned the flat-screen on. ZBS News was reporting a breaking story in downtown Zebuth that caught everyone's attention. Dolph dropped his glass to the floor, where it shattered. Aoba quickly rushed out back to get Pina. 

   "PINA! COME IN QUICK! THERE'S BEEN A BOMBING!!" he exclaimed. Pina's eyes went wide as saucer plates. "WHAT!?" he shouted.


   "Of course! She was....my cellmate at the old black market." Louis admitted. Legosi sighed. "And she was my trainer. She helped me take Melon down." Legosi added. Noc nodded. "Why did she hire you?" Louis asked. Noc took out his phone and showed the trio a photo. "My God." Sameer said in surprise.

   In the photo was a severed arm on a concrete floor. The arm was all white with soft fur. At the severed stump was a titanium alloy rod and wires with the familiar blue liquid. "Kyuu and her student were attacked during one of her training sessions. A rabbit. She said he was dressed in a grey suit and a black tie. He just.....walked right up to her student and ripped his throat out with his bare hand. He was a young ocelot. Barely thirteen. Poor kid. She....she attacked the rabbit and managed to cut his arm clean off with a sword. He had no reaction. No screaming, no grabbing in pain. He just walked out of her gym, same way he came in." Noc explained. 

   "What did the police say?" Legosi asked. Noc tapped his cigarette in the outdoor ashcan. "Nothing. They just took the kid's body away as well as the rabbit's. They asked her a few questions, but never got back to her with any answers. That was two months ago." he replied. Legosi's and Louis' eyes widened. "Two months?!" Louis exclaimed. "That's when she called me." Noc added. Sameer sneezed. 

   "Bless you." Legosi said. "Thanks. How does Lester fit into this? I mean.....did you suspect him from the start or.....how and why?" Sameer asked, sniffling. Noc took another puff. "He had previously been investigated for alleged arms deals back in 2009. The facility he works for had been experimenting with new weapons. A number of those weapons went missing without a trace." he said. "What kind of weapons?" Sameer asked. 

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