A Free Therapy Session

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   Mizuchi stared at her soup, stirring it nervously. Her ears were half-way drooped. Just recollecting everything that happened was horrifying and uncomfortable. She looked up at Melon, who had a warm smile on his face. Mizuchi looked over at Sameer. The cobra nodded his head as he drank his tea. She scratched her belly once again with her free hand. Melon took notice and perked his head up, as if to peer over the table. 

   "He marked you, didn't he?" the hybrid asked, staring at Mizuchi's belly. She looked up at him with puzzlement, before she could take another sip of her soup's broth. "How di...." she stuttered. Melon rested his head on his clasped hands. "Like I said, diet-Heinrich. This pilgrim's messiah would have the word 'CANCER' seared into the flesh of anti-supremacist herbivores via branding. They were stripped naked and paraded through the streets by chains in humiliation. National socialist guards would encourage party supporters to throw rancid soy milk onto them so they smelled as disgusting as he saw them. Quite painful, wasn't it, Mizuchi?" Melon asked with a soft, but slightly sadistic voice. Mizuchi sipped the broth and dropped her spoon in the bowl. 

   "I didn't feel it. I was drugged....twice. First when we were kidnapped and second after I found....explosives." she confessed. Melon raised his brow. "Do you know what kind?" he asked inquisitively. Mizuchi furrowed her brow and grasped her tea cup. "I think it was C-4. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember." she answered, taking a drink. "There were also blueprints of a building. A big one!" Mizuchi recollected. Sameer inched closer, his heart racing. "Was it a church or a mosque?" the cobra asked. Mizuchi shook her head. "No. It....um....uh...." she stuttered. She slammed her fist on the table in frustration. "Damn it. What was it?" she groaned, rubbing her forehead with both hands. Melon stood as still as a statue as Mizuchi tried to recollect.

   "He's planning to.....a nightclub! That's it! I remember that he asked his...rabbits if they were ready to go clubbing Tuesday!" she exclaimed. She looked at Legosi, who was pondering to himself.

   Melon leaned backwards and stretched his arms. "The Jaybird." Melon muttered. The three looked at the hybrid simultaneously with concerned expressions. "The nightclub  a few blocks from Cherryton?!" Legosi exclaimed. Sameer's tail curled up onto his seat. Melon nodded. "The only nightclub in town where segregation does not apply under any circumstances. Seems he wants to make an example of those he deems traitors to the herbivore race, as well as the carnivores they associate with." Melon concluded. He rested his head between his hands.

   "What else did you see before you were tranquilized?" he asked. "Any weapons or military paraphernalia?" Mizuchi shook her head. "Not that I remember.....but I....."

   Mizuchi remembered what she found in the warehouse dining area. She placed a hand to her jaw. Sameer and Legosi both looked at the harlequin between them, anticipating her words. Melon crossed his arms. "Go on." he said. Mizuchi took a deep breath and shuddered.

   "In the dining room of the warehouse. I....I thought I could escape through the window. I opened the door....and....I saw food." Mizuchi shook her head as her ears drooped completely. Melon, Legosi, and Sameer waited in anticipation.

   "It was meat! " she confessed, horrified by her own words. "Grilled meat on a plate, ready to be eaten! IT WAS HIS MEAL!" Mizuchi trembled. Legosi and Sameer were completely frightened by this. Legosi couldn't bring himself to finish the last of his egg salad sandwiches. He had never let them go to waste before, but Mizuchi's testimony made him lose his appetite. Sameer's mind couldn't wrap around this insane revelation. What herbivore, let alone prey supremacist, would be driven to do such a disturbing thing against their nature?

   "He caught me. He said to me that it wasn't about an herbivore's diet, but domination." she finished, clutching her face. Sameer recollected a passage from Heinrich's manifesto Utopia As Seen Fit from one of his history books. "'Nature knows no political boundaries. She puts living creatures on this globe and watches the full play of forces. The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness.'" he said aloud. Legosi and Mizuchi looked at him with great concern. "Heinrich's?" Legosi asked. Sameer simply nodded and sighed deeply. "A bastardized concept of the survival of the fittest. It's how he justified his atrocities." the cobra replied. 

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