The Pursuit

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   Tanya was about three blocks down the street before she stopped to catch her breath. That's when it hit her. How dumb could she be? She was leaving Riley, Mizuchi and her family alone like a coward! They were Tanya's best friends and went to school with her everyday at Cherryton. What the hell was she thinking? The raccoon knew she had to go back and that's exactly what she did. 

   Tanya turned around and ran as fast as she could to the back door of the house. It was locked, so she had climb back up the tree she had escaped down earlier. She crawled through the window and landed with a thud on the floor. The (now) four android rabbits, who were carrying the unconscious harlequin rabbits away, heard the sound. One of them picked up the bloody knife off the floor and looked at the other three. "I'll deal with it. Get them to the van." the android said. With that, he slowly began creeping up the stairs with the knife poised to stab.

   The steps were hardwood, so Tanya could clearly hear them coming up the stairs. She had to find a weapon, fast. She scanned the room quickly. Her eyes fell on Mizuchi's letter opener, sticking from the pencil holder. Tanya turned around and saw the shadow of the rabbit holding the knife against the hallway wall. She quickly took cover behind the open door. The floor in Mizuchi's room was carpet, so her feet didn't make any audible thuds. Tanya held the knife in a stabbing fashion as she waited for him to come in. Sure enough, the android slowly walked into view. 

   She watched as he lowered the knife and walked towards the open window. Tanya saw the perfect opportunity and she went for it. She slammed the door behind her and charged full speed at him. She stabbed him in the back, but the armor underneath his latex "skin" was impenetrable. He turned around and swung the knife at her. He missed her throat by a mere two inches, but that didn't stop her. She grabbed his arm in a stranglehold and wrestled the knife from his grip, but she dropped it on the floor. The android grabbed her by the neck and began strangling her. 

   Tanya's windpipe was completely restricted and she was brought to the ground. Luckily, the knife didn't fall too far away from her and she grabbed it. Tanya stabbed at his torso, but it didn't penetrate more than a centimeter. She then stabbed him in the abdomen, where the knife went in deep. The android's eyes went wide as blue "blood" oozed from his mouth, nose, and eye sockets. Tanya had no time to react to this bizarre revelation. She stabbed and stabbed, unknowingly severing the wires inside of him. This caused the android to loosen his grip completely and collapse on top of the raccoon. 

   Tanya rolled him off to see the the damage she had done, coughing and catching her breath. She noticed the blue "blood", the wires poking out of the abdomen, and the fake eyes that popped out of the sockets. Tanya was rightfully stunned by all of this. Before she could think anymore about it, the bedroom door flew open. 

   There stood the three other androids with emotionless expressions, staring at her. Tanya put it together rather quickly, as she noticed all four in the room were identical. She grabbed the knife and stood her ground. Before the androids could move in on her, a static sound through one of their radios hissed. 

   "This is Dome HQ to Numbers 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Forget about the raccoon. She's not worth it. Get back here with the harlequin rabbits and make sure they're tied up and blindfolded. Those tranquilizers only last 30 minutes." Zen's robotic voice spoke. Number 10 pulled out his radio. "Copy that, sir. We'll be on our way. They're already bound and blindfolded. And just to let you know, Number 9 has been decommissioned by the raccoon." he said. "I DON'T CARE!! Get them back here right now or you're all decommissioned! I'm sick of you androids fucking this up!!" Zen snapped. Tanya gasped at this all but confirmed revelation. Number 10 looked at Tanya and then his radio. "Yes, sir. On our way. Over and out." he replied. 

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