Unheard Of

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   "I had to water it down, okay? Who would believe that a group of rabbits would attack a polar bear family?! It's insane! But I know what I saw!" Fudge continued sobbing. Pina gave him a side embrace to comfort him. "We're here." he whispered. Fudge sniffled. "Thanks, guys." he replied. Haru was deep in thought. As a rabbit herself, could any of her kind be powerful enough to take down polar bears? Would they have to take steroids or work out constantly? It didn't make sense. The 'how' was just as mysterious as the 'why'. 

   Legosi walked over to the window to look outside. The forensic team were packing up evidence and getting ready to drive away. An Indian rhino officer was writing something down on his clipboard. Legosi panned his eyes left to right. He noticed a semi-truck, parked about 300 yards down the street. It wasn't there when they arrived. He turned back to his friends. "Fudge?" he called. Fudge looked up. "Yeah?" Legosi looked back at the truck. It was still there. "Did you say....there was a truck?" he asked curiously. 

   Fudge's eyes widened. He quickly stood up and ran to the window. "Fudge, what's wrong?" Aoba asked. Fudge took a look. His jaw dropped to the floor. "That's it!!" he exclaimed. Without hesitation, Fudge ran outside to the remaining officers, frantically pointing at the truck. "That's them!! That's the truck!! THEY'RE WATCHING US!!" he yelled. The officers looked at the truck. It started its engine and slowly began driving towards them. 

   "Get inside." the rhino officer ordered. Fudge did so without hesitation and slammed the door shut. "We gotta get out of here! NOW!!" he ordered. Aoba and Bill stood up. "What's going on!?" Bill asked frantically. "COME ON!!" Fudge ordered as he motioned them to his room. It was on the backside of the apartment complex, where there was a forest. He picked up one of his 4 kilogram lifting weights and chunked it through the window. It shattered with ease and the six friends escaped into the forest. The three officers drew their sidearms and pointed. "Stop the vehicle!" the water buffalo officer yelled. 

   The truck still kept coming. It was getting closer and faster. The cops had no choice but to jump out of the way. The truck emitted a blaring horn honk as it crashed into the forensic team's van head on. Fortunately, all three members were able to exit before the impact. The semi backed up, showing very minimal damage to its grill. The passenger door opened. Out of it stepped a well-dressed rabbit, wielding an RPG. He panned his eyes right to left. He noticed the rhino and the buffalo officers taking cover behind their cruiser with their guns still drawn. "Drop your weapon now!!" the rhino ordered. The rabbit stared at them for a few seconds. "I'm not allowed to do that, officer. I'm sorry." the rabbit said in a very monotone, lifeless voice. "Last warning! Drop the RPG now or we will open fire!!" the third officer ordered from behind the other cruiser. The rabbit looked at him and immediately noticed he was a jaguar. He took aim. "No you won't." he uttered.

   Fudge, Legosi, Haru, Pina, Aoba and Bill had ran as fast as they could without stopping to rest. Legosi carried Haru and Bill carried Fudge to help keep up. A mere thirty seconds after escaping, they heard a loud explosion from behind them. It was so loud even from far away that all of their ears rang. After running nonstop for a sold two minutes, they came to another street that was a lot more busy. Fudge and Haru were set to the ground by there carriers. Everyone caught their breaths. 

   "So what now?" Pina asked. "We need to lay low. Does anybody have suggestions?" Fudge asked the remaindering friends. They began to think. "Uhh....well....my grandpa's place isn't big enough. Uhh..." Legosi pondered aloud. "Well, Sameer and I do have a secluded condo, but it's not worth the risk. Not to mention he would be pissed if anybody touched his ancient Egyptian and Inca artifacts." Pina chuckled. "Well, that's a bummer. Sameer's cool!" Aoba added. "I'll consider it but don't be so sure he'll...." Pina was cut off. "The love hotel!!" Haru exclaimed. 

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