Chapter 10

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**Author's Note** A shout out to my amazing friend, gwen_llama. Please check out her stories and follow her (and, who knows, maybe I'll update quicker **hint, hint**) Thanks:)


Seth's POV


No! I roar inside my head, looking over at the collapsing tree. I lose my concentration long enough that Leah tackles me to the floor her teeth inches from my neck. I roll to the side, knocking her off, and howl one loud, single not. The Cullens speed into action; with Emmett and Jasper lifting the tree off Mackenzie, Bella and Edward trying to keep Leah away from me, Alice and Rosalie hurrying Renesmee inside, and Carlisle and Esme looking after Mackenzie.

This was it. I'd failed at the most simple task; to protect my imprint. I hadn't needed to protect her from anyone but myself and... Leah. As I say her name, my sister's name, a low growl rumbles in my chest.

Ooh! Scary! Leah thinks sarcastically, chuckling darkly to herself.

I swear, if Mackenzie is dead... my thoughts trail off into what could happen. 

She won't be, she's just had a fall.

Because of you! This is all your fault! If you hadn't tried to kill her in the first place--

Then you wouldn't have met her Leah replies, smugly. So say thank you to your wonderful sister.

Push off, Leah. No body wants you here

I'm not about to let my little brother join 'Bloodsuckers United'

I don't respond, instead, I huff, and trot off over to the trees to phase back. 

Aw, man! That was my last pair of pants! I growl inside my head.

"Sue dropped some off earlier, I'll get them for you" Edward says, reading my mind.

Thanks I think back, ignoring the agitating voice of my so-called sister.

Gee, I'm so upset Leah laughs, running in the opposite direction from where I am, and away from the Cullens' house.

I meant what I said. I don't want you here. Why don't you go back to Sam's pack? A lot of people would be much happier

She stayed silent then, so I figure she phased back.

Good riddance.

I turn to see a pile of clothes that had been left by Edward, probably.

Thank you I think, before grabbing the clothes and running over to the trees. I change quickly, and run back over to the house. Mackenzie was laying on the sofa, a small gathering around her. She wasn't moving, which added to my concern more.

"How is she?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Good, but we still don't know how she was knocked out" Carlisle answers, "We don't know when she'll wake up" he adds after a while.

"Will Mackenzie be alright?" Renesmee whispers from upstairs, walking across the floor. I'm sure everyone knew I was listening; because everyone in the room went silent.

"Of course she will" Someone, Rosalie, I think, answers. My eyelids droop, reminding me of my fatigue.

"Seth, maybe you should get some sleep" Edward suggests, "We'll wake you when she comes around"

"Not until I know she's ok" I counter, my voice trailing off at the end as I yawn. "Anyway, I'm not that tired"

Suddenly, I feel like a wave of tiredness washes over me, as my eyes close without my permission. I stumble over to an empty chair, but I end up crawling half the way.

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