Chapter 13

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Mackenzie's POV


I grit my teeth as I push the shield further outwards; I was finding it harder to concentrate by the minute. So far I'd managed to grasp the mental side of my power, but the physical side, well... that's a different story all together. With the physical shield, it would happen at different times, and I had no control over it. It just comes and goes.

I push the weight further outwards, trying to keep everyone in the bubble. Renesmee, along with Jacob, Bella, Esme and Carlisle asked to stay outside, to see what it looks like, or what it doesn't look like, should I say. Around the edges of the bubble, it becomes blurry, and eventually fades out. The image sharpens, just as the audience gasps.

"Amazing" Carlisle says, looking around. Renesmee picks up a piece of wood, and throws it. It goes directly through the bubble, and hits Seth on the head. I laugh out loud, losing concentration. My shield drops instantly, and everyone began to look at me like I was crazy.

"Why are you laughing?" Renesmee asks, sounding annoyed. "I was aiming at you"

"You--hit--the mutt!" I gasp between bursts of laughter. Seth just stood there, grimacing at Renesmee.

"Nice one" he comments, rubbing the spot on his forehead where she'd hit him.

"Hey! I was just trying to test Mackenzie's physical shield!" Ness shouts, grabbing another piece of wood.

"No, Renesmee" Bella scolds, snatching the wood off her.

As if it was out to embarrass me, my stomach growls loudly, causing all eyes to turn to me.

"I'm not hungry" I say quickly, before anyone could offer me anything. Esme tries to speak but I shake my head. "I'd rather go hunting later. And anyway, I wanna see if I can just make myself invisible"

At the end of my sentence, an evil grin creeps it's way onto my face.

"Alice, when's Carmen coming back?" Tanya asks, peering curiously into the forest.

"Either in a few minutes, or--" Alice begins, getting cut off by a swish of air as Carmen runs into the clearing. "Now." Alice finishes her sentence cheerfully.

Intrigued by my idea from earlier, I try focusing my shield on only myself. I imagine that the shield was only wrapped around me, and it was becoming transparent...

"Where's Mackenzie?" Carmen asks, turning around. I wave a hand around in the air, jumping around and pulling faces. Everyone seemed to be looking for me.

"Cool" I mutter, walking up behind Carmen. I tap her lightly on the shoulder. She screams and falls to the ground, backing away. I lose focus and start to laugh again, clutching my sides.

"What just happened?!" Carmen shouts, looking at the gathering.

"Her power is... strange" Kate begins, and starts to tell her about everything.


"I've just thought of a new nickname for you" Renesmee whispers, diverting my attention from the conversation in the other room.

"What?" I ask, sitting down on the couch with her.

"Invisa-Girl" she enthuses, waving her hands in front of her face, emphasising her words.

"Oh, ha-ha!" I grumble sarcastically, my eyelids drooping.

"I'm serious! Anyway, next time I'm in trouble, which, I think, will be very soon, could you..."

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