Chapter 9

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Mackenzie's POV


 "Seth!" I scream, jumping to my feet. I spin around, and hear someone chuckle. I growl under my breath. "Stupid dream"

I only now notice eleven pairs of wide yellow eyes staring at me. I groan inwardly; stupid mutt, making me have a nightmare.

"You ok?" Seth asks, making me jump.

"Morning, dog" I grumble, walking towards the other couch. I sit down, and grab the remote off the table. Renesmee comes into the room, shortly followed by Jacob.

"So, when do you want to go hunting again?" Renesmee asks, sitting down next to me. Jacob goes over to sit by Seth; well, at least he gets the message.

"Maybe later on, as long as the mutts stay here" I reply, stretching. "How long have I been asleep?"

"About, fourteen hours, I think" she says, after checking the clock.

"Really? Fourteen?"

"Yep, I was tempted to throw some water over you--"

"If you do that again, you'll be out that window before you can blink" I growl, remembering the last time. Renesmee punches my shoulder mockingly.

"Wuss" she taunts, snatching the remote from me. "Anything good on?"

"Well, there is a little show called 'Blank Screen' on right now" I joke, pointing towards the TV.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" she complains, mostly to herself. Renesmee gets up, before switching on the TV, fiddles with the volume switch, and sits back down.

She flicks through the listings, and finally stops on a trashy soap opera.

"Oh, come on! It's not even funny!" I growl, swiping the remote from her.

"Oi!" she shouts, snatching it back. When I try to grab it, she hits my hand away. "I'll bite you" she threatens.

"Renesmee, don't you dare" Bella scolds, walking over to the couch.

"Fine, I'll set Jacob on you"

"You do that, and I'll put him in the pound" I laugh, "Anyway, is feeding time at the zoo over? 'Cause I am kind of hungry"

Renesmee frowns; obviously she still didn't like my tendency to eat normal food. She grins again, and I can just imagine a light bulb flickering on over her head as she finds a way to persuade me.

"Would you like to hunt, or risk getting trampled on to get something from the fridge?" Renesmee asks, a hint of humor in her voice.

"Well, when you put it that way..."


It was around 9 o'clock when we returned, Rosalie had literally to drag Renesmee back to the house after I'd beaten my own record.

"That's not fair!" she shouts, storming up the stairs. "She cheated!"

"How in the world did I cheat?!" I ask, following her, "I won fair and square"

"You didn't!" she screams, "You didn't! You didn't! You didn't!"

"Stop shouting, Renesmee" Edward scolds, "The Denalis are here, I wonder what they must think of us after you go around shouting the odds"

"You should know, you can read all of their thoughts" Renesmee mumbles, sitting down next to Jacob.

"You know everyone in the house heard that" Edward comments, walking out of the room. Renesmee picks up a cushion aims it at his head, and throws it. It hurtles across the room at an unbelievable speed, only stopping when Edward catches it with one hand, not turning his head, and throws it back at her.

Mackenzie CullenWhere stories live. Discover now