"Eomma, look what grandma got me!" Aeri waddles in holding a big squishmallow. Y/n gathers herself quickly and forces a laugh and smile for her daughter. "Ooh! So comfy and it's as big as you are princess! Grandma is too good to you. You want to take it with Eomma or leave it here at Appa's to have when you come?" Aeri squeezes the pillow and cheerfully says, "I'll leave it here at Appa's. I'll ask uncle Hobi to get me one for his house." Y/n laughs and nods. "Go put it in your room then princess." She runs out and Zuho's mom sets the shopping bags down. She eyes the both of them and then asks, "did you two talk?" Zuho nods and looks down. His mom sighs and nods her head. She walks up to Y/n and cups her face and looks lovingly into her red puffy eyes. "As much as I wish you could forgive my son, I know how hard this has to be for you sweetheart. And has been with all the media stuff the past few months. But, no matter how this turns out in the end, I'll always be there for you and I love you." Y/n let's tears fall as she smiles and nods. "Thank you." She nods and kisses her cheek, then wipes her tears away. "Now, pull yourself together for my granddaughter." She looks over at Zuho. "You too. You both are that little girls parents no matter what and she comes first. And she loves you both. This is very confusing for her so you both have to make this transition as smooth as possible for her. Put your own feelings aside when it comes to her." They both nod and Aeri comes running out. "I went potty and I'm ready to go so I can ask uncle Hobi to take me to get a squishy." Y/n laughs and shakes her head. "Give your Appa and grandma a kiss goodbye first and then we'll go beg uncle Hobi." She kisses her grandma and then runs to her dad and he scoops her up. She hugs his neck and says, "I love you Appa." He bites back tears and says, "I love you too princess. Be good for your Eomma." She nods and Aeri kisses him and he sits her down. He looks at Y/n with pained eyes asks, "when can I get her again?" "How about in two days you can keep her for two days. We can go like that until we can figure out something more permanent." He nods and they walk out.

"Wow Y/nnie. I always wondered why he hadn't proposed but I never thought it was because he never planned to. I'm sorry sis." Y/n shrugs at her brother and takes a drink of her beer. "I think deep down I knew everything from the beginning. I think I never asked what we were at the start because I knew we weren't anything. Then I got pregnant and everything changed. But after three years I knew in my gut he was never planning to marry me." Hobi and Jimin listened to Y/n explain what had happened earlier. Neither had expected her to come back and say what she did. "Are you ok Y/n?" She smiles but shakes her head. "Not yet. But I know I will be." Jimin nods, admiring just how strong this woman was. "So what now sis? Back to Busan?" Y/n laughs but shakes her head. "I can't do that. Zuho is a great dad and I'd never move Aeri away from him. We'll stay here and Zuho and I will work out a parenting plan. I'll need to find a job though." "I can get you on at HYBE. It's grown so much that we definitely need more trainers. Let me talk with Bang PDnim." Y/n smiles and nods. She's so thankful for her brother. She didn't care if he was using his status to get her a job. She just knew she needed a job because she has a little girl to raise.


It has been nine months since Y/n and Zuho split up. Zuho released his own statement about it, owning up to his infidelity and how he knew he messed up and lost the woman he loved. He asked for the public to not lash out at Y/n because she honestly did nothing wrong, she only fought to try and save their relationship. He said he loved her and wanted fans to give her the same love they give him because she is the mother of his child and will always be very special to him. He also asked that fans and media give Y/n and their daughter complete privacy, that he wants his daughter to be able to live a normal life. Fans were very supportive of both of them. Y/n never doubted for a second they'd forgive him instantly for cheating.
Y/n had started working at HYBE as a trainer and the set up was perfect. They had a daycare so Aeri could go to work with Y/n and Zuho still brought her there on his days. She'd always sneak down to see her every day, if even to grab a quick kiss. Aeri has adjusted well to this new normal for her. She spends three days with Zuho then three days with Y/n. If Zuho has activities that keeps him from getting her on his days Y/n makes sure they FaceTime every day and she spends a week with him as soon as he gets home. And Y/n and Zuho are in a better place too. She was very bitter and short with him the first couple of months, but realized it's not good for Aeri. She's forgiven him and they have been able to be friendly with each other. As time went on the hurt vanished more and the two begin to act as friends who have a kid.

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